Day 2

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  I woke up to the noise of cars. A lot of them. Because I've used to wake up in quite place this noise was so annoying.
"Good morning sweetie ", I heard my mom calling from downstairs. At first it felt so weird to be back home,but this feeling won't last long. The minute I got up on my feet I went to my closet,where was all my clothings and shoes.
Because I was almost 4 years in a hospital -where I didn't need make up or new shoes or more than a few shirts It felt like I was naked.
While I was staring at my "wardrobe " my mom came in with a smile on her face. "We need to go for a shopping and get you stuff for this concert of yours",but I was going for one day and it felt like there something weird about all this.
"Why? It's for one day and I can borrow something from you or just wear what I already have",but my question left without answer.

My mom dragged me to the mall and we started from the first floor. First we entered to VANS,there we bought two pairs of shoes and some skinny jeans. After that we went to buy some makeup in a store that I wasn't familiar with. Because all I knew to do with my face was to put maskera and eyeliner the lady from the store gave me other products and showed me how to apply them.
It was almost noon and I needed to be at the event at 8 p.m. so I had a few hours to kill. My mom made me to buy too much clothing and shoes and makeup that eventually it felt a little bit suspicious. After the intensive shopping we went to drink some coffee and talk. When we entered the cafe I saw my uncle sitting on the red leather chairs and sipping some black coffee. My uncle looked like my mother-very light brown hair with blue and little greenish eyes,very handsome with strips of grey in his hair and beard,he had some tattoos but not something so eye catching. My appearance was different from his and my mom's -I had black hair and just blue eyes which seemed to me a little sad.
"Hey you girl's! " my uncle said with huge smile.
"Hey Jer,how are you?"my mom asked politely,"I'm fine M,did you told her already? I'm so excited! "He shouted with so much excitement.
"Tell me what?",more suspicious. "Well,because you need job and college won't start in the next three months we found you what to do".
"Where am I going to work? ",I tried not to fall from the chair.
"You know that I have some bands under my responsibility, and I need to get them from LA over the states for Wrapped and lately my assistant left my office and it'll be fun if you come and be my assistant for this,maybe even after that,because you the only one I can trust",he took a deep breath and he and my mom looked at me.
"Why not,I need an new beginning and maybe I'll find friends".

A few hours later my uncle waited me outside in his car,while I did last check that I didn't forget anything. It was almost time to go to the concert,help my uncle to take care of the band,give them their own water and energy drinks and after that just relax and listen to some music.
"I can see that you're happy, just don't deny...","I guarantee you that is the best thing that happened to me".
Rest of the drive was quite and everyone thought to himself.
My uncle parked at reserved place and the car stopped.
"Now we'll go to our buss,you can choose yourself a bunck and put there your stuff. After that go to the backstage and wait for me". I just nodded and took my stuff to where he pointed. The only thing that I was interested was -why the hell a manager have to drive around the country with his bands-well,this question I'll ask my uncle.
The buss was really nice, ordinary travel buss. In the front there were some seats and tables, behind the seats there was small kitchen with fridge and microwave. In the middle was the buncks and after them at the end was shower and bathroom. I choose the highest bunck,put my stuff there and went backstage.
All the place was a mess,microphone check, guitar check and other stuff as well. I saw my uncle talking with other crew mates and halpers. When he saw me his stressed face became happy and relaxed. He introduced me and told one woman to take me and give me all the passes I need and the keys for the buss and different rooms backstage.
"My name is Jessie,and I'm the side effects women. Nothing will work without me",she said with proud face. We had nice talk while getting my new stuff, but it didn't feel like a start of a friendship. when I got all my passes I went back to my uncle to find out what's my first mission.
He gave me clipboard and said,"you need to go to this band's busses and tell them when they perform and ask what they need.I know that you familiar with the band's so don't freak out ". With a nod I left him and went towards the parking lot. First in the list were Bring Me the Horizon.
searching their buss I looked at my clothes, which I changed after I've got my passes. Black shirt with white words-stuff.
When I found BMTH's buss I knocked softly on the door and Lee Malia opened the door. At first he thought I was a fan,but when he saw my shirt he relaxed and stared at me. "Do you need something? "He asked with lovely British accent.
"I'm in charge with the band's needs, can I come in?".
"Well,if it's important so come in ". I climbed the stairs and my body was trembling from fear and excitement.
"Guys, one girl from backstage need us",Lee yelled and all members of BMTH came to the space.
"You open the Wrapped today, you start at 8 p.m. exactly! Don't be late, because it's my first day and I'll be very mad if something won't work as planned. Understood? ",they nodded and Oliver smiled to me. "Can I ask your name for later use?",
"I'm Summer, and if you need me just call me".,I left them with tonight's plan and my number.

I walked all my uncles band's, well almost. I had to go to Of Mice&Men buss,but I was afraid. They was my favorite band,and they were the last to show tonight so I took my time.I knock on the door and one mad Ginger opens the door.
"Listen hunn, we're very busy people and we don't need a fans to come here,we'll have sign ups later","listen babe,I'm in charge on your show, so if you want to go on stage be nice".
Alan fucking Asby finely looked on me and his face became red."well so come in, don't stand here like a fool".
Inside were four more man which I recognised and I wanted to scream my soul out.
"When we need go there? " Phil asked. "Because you're the last band who perform tonight you'll be heading backstage at 10 p.m. exactly! ",they nodded in agreement.
"Here the schedule for tonight, and here my number,so if you need something no matter what you'll get it ".
The men were watching me,especially one -Austin Carlile.
He was nice singer,but I don't really want to show him my fan crush.
"I need to go,but I'll see you this summer very often ",I left with a wink.
The rest of the night went smoothly and the day almost over.
"Go to rest,you did wonderful work!",and with this words I just slipped into my bunck and had a good sleep for the first time the last 4 years.  

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