Day 22

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"Summer!", someone screamed my name.
I could see so many faces and hear so many voices but still,on one hand they were familiar, but on the other hand they were strangers for me.They screamed for hrlp, screamed so loud that I could'nt hear myself.
I was awake but could'nt move even if my brain screamed to do the simply movemnet.
I just was paralized in my bunk, without the possabillity to move, just laying there and watching my worst dreams come true in front of my eyes.


Finely I could wake up, but the nightmare scared the crap of me. I found my phone and checked the time. Only 4 A... I cant believe that I slept almost 8 hours. Probably I'll have Insomania for the next week since this kind of dreams terrified me and I could'nt go and just sleep. The caffeine is going to be my drug for now, I have no reason to sleep anyway. After Salt Lake city our next desination were Albuquerque where I was realy excited to go.
I love the dessert look, so warm and cozzy but still have winters though.

We were a 20 minutes away from the city and the sun just started to rise and because I was the only one who was awake in our bus I could afford some me-time and enjoy with big cup of coffee and watch the sunset through the window.

r u awake?yep...can I call?call me!

A few seconds after Sky called me and started to bubble about every thing I missed since Our ways parted. She finely broke up with her stupid boyfriend and left to LA because she finely became "real writer" as she said. I was happy for her. Sky was'nt stupid as some other people and made me spill every detail about everything.
"Well,you are fucked up", she lauged and sighed.
"It's not realy helping you know..."
"Relax babe. I'm just messing with you", Sky kept laughing at me and I only could roll my eyes even though she could'nt see me.
We kept talking until Sky said she have to run to work,and I said her unwillingly goodbay and waited until we got to the venue at almost 6 in the moening.

I wore my BMTH shirt with some light blue skinnies and slip into my flip-flops and excited the bus,going toward the new place. I've decided to take quick tour around and find a place to eat my breakfast and enjoy the quite time I had from all the noise.
The venue was close by to a gas station where was little diner, and because I could smell somthing frying I've decided to look what they can serve me without making me fat.
I found a nice place to sit, even tough the place was empty and there were one bored middle age lady who was tired as I'm.
She handed me the menu and walked away without any words. Just what I need-quite.
While I was busy checking up the menu someone sat in the opposite seat and the lady came again and gave the person also a menu.
"Why are you up so early?", Alan's rusty voice asked.
"I've become a morning girl! just wanted to check up the place, maybe I'll take coffee because I have already ate,the pancakes seem to be very tasty though", this is me trying to talk about normal stuff.
"Can I take your order?", the waitress asked and we both nodded.
"I'll take just some coffee and he will take the pancakes", she nodded tiredly,wrote down the reservation and left us.

We sat realy quitly what was realy wierd for Alan. Since the tour began Alan was my best male friend and we were smoking together,going to eat breakfast together and sometimes we we just playing video games while the others were out.
we finished our coffee and pancakes, paid our bill and tip and left because the guys had sound chack and hour later they had to go up the stage.

Today I did'nt had any energy to wake up someone so I just knocked on the doors,gave the days schedule and left.I decided to hang with the crew,since they was the only one who didn't had any conection to my problems or my love life.

BMTH was the first band to finish playing,doing meet&greet and sighn-ups so I wanted to spend some time with my British friends. We went to their bus,me talking with Jordan and Matt (With one of them,I still had a black out about their last name), and the rest listened to our fight about the Iluminati but when they disagree about some theory thet just screamed their opinions.

It was only noon and until the evening we had a long time. We sat at the front loung and watched some old horror movies,Oli hated them but still watched them though.
My belly started growning and Oli smirked while standing to the fridge,throwing me Monster.
"Thank dude..",the others laughed at me and my face turn red, I didn't do somthing emberressing though. The rest was hungry about an hour later and we decided to go eat some chinies food,which we found at the other end of the city but the walk there was realy fun. We took out food and sat at the nearest park,laughing about the way each one eats his food.

The sun was going down and we were happy,maybe I wasn't happy 100% but this moments with your friends\heroes just cheer you up and you promise yourself not to cut ever again.
"What are you thinking?",Matt asked when he noticed that I was staring at him.
"About life,about how I found myself her", we smiled and he gave me a small hug that from the side looked somthing friendly but to me it was another reason to stay alive.BMTH was the reason why I still alive.
"you coming?", Matt asked amd I joined the happy group of five amazing men.  

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