[Tao] Blood Red

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Once again, this is my smut one-shot teaser.

I simply cropped the smut out and put the imagine down here. Because I'm out of flipping ideas for this dumb book.

If you'd like to read the full version that is a type of spin off to Little Red Riding Hood then visit my profile and go to my EXO smuts. And don't forget to check out my new one - Kpop Smuts.

Or click this link here –

I love you guys! *Sends virtual kisses*


"(Y/N)," My mother slurred hoarsely from the foul smelling couch, sluggishly blinking her bloodshot eyes in my direction. "Bring me another beer." She ordered through wheezes and coughs. I only started back at her in disgust, my nose scrunching up from just the mere sight of her.

Her long, lanky and greasy hair splayed out limply on the cushions and her skin was pasty, crusts of white foam gathering at the corners of her cracked lips.

In other words, she was a total mess.

I chose to stay silent and waited until she took another swig of her flat beer and heaved my body off the broken stool that was placed in the middle of our barely cleaned living room and quickly exited the dull atmosphere, ignoring my mother's hysterical whines that followed my steps.

Doing this had become a daily routine for me, I'd watch over my alcoholic mother all day before leaving to go check on my sick grandmother that lived in the depth of the woods - then coming back to eat a microwaved dinner and hop into bed, preparing myself for the exact same thing tomorrow.

I grudgingly made my way up the creaky wooden staircase and into my bedroom, nothing was particularly girly or pretty about my room, there was a bed with a scratchy white sheet, a cracked mirror that barely balanced on a grey vanity table and dirtied walls.

Ignoring the unhappiness my dull room gave me, I trailed my eyes suddenly to the small clock that was placed by my vanity, 19.45.

I murmured profanities under my breath, dismay washing over me when I realised that maybe I wouldn’t get a chance to see Grandmother today, I even had baked her very favourite tarts specially for her.

“(Y/N)!” I heard that high pitched whine again, this time it was louder than usual. Sighing in utter annoyance, I rummaged in my small cupboard to bring out my favourite crimson coloured cloak and draped the cotton material over my neck, pulling the large hood up to cover my face.

Deciding against spending my evening with an alcoholic woman. My mother continued to scream until I entered the living room, a prominent scowl evident on my face.

“I’m going to see grandmother, you better keep quiet. We wouldn’t want the neighbours to come and check on you, would we?” I snapped with a plastic smile, although it faded when my mother frowned and sat up abruptly.

She ran a shaking hand through her knotted hair before her red rimmed eyes met my own wide ones, “Be careful, danger lies ahead in the woods and don’t talk to strangers.”

I rolled my eyes at this but nodded nevertheless, grabbing the pastries that I had carefully wrapped with foil in the wicker basket, “I will be careful, and you don’t need to fret about me.” I curtly respond before leaving the battered house.

A sudden fresh current of air wafted over my face as I inhaled the outside oxygen. Right where we lived was partly hidden by the huge tree’s that were a part of the creepy forest, hardly any natural light shone through, instead all I was greeted was darkness and damp moss.

I tightened my grip on my basket and began making my way through the thick bushes that blocked the way and down the rickety path that would lead me right to the heart of the forest.



I watched her carefully from afar. Her mere scent immediately attracted my attention. Something that smelt so delicious, like something I’d like to devour at this moment. With a deep sigh I crouched down beside the prickly bramble, eyeing the beautiful young lady.

A pair of full red lips, flawless skin, wide eyes that innocently overlooked the pure evil of this world and lastly an elegantly formed physique. Half of her face being covered by a blood red cloak didn’t make her seem less beautiful to me.

I shifted out of my wolf form, shutting my eyes as the sound of my bones snapping back into place filled my ears, warm human flesh encased around my body. Once I completely shifted, my legs were now walking on their own accord, my inner wolf howling desperately to get closer to this unknown lady.

I smirked at his neediness but casually strolled behind her, watching her hips sway side to side as she made her way down the gravelled path.

“Good evening ma’am, what is a beautiful young lady like you doing out in the woods at this time of day?” I question and tapped her lightly on her shoulder. With a sharp gasp she whirls around, her tiny fists balled tightly as she narrowed her eyes into thin slits.

“Get away from me.” The girl hissed quietly, stepping back in unexpected surprise when I let my smirk widen and strode even closer to her almost trembling form. I could see past her defensive wall, she was absolutely terrified.

“Taking the ‘don’t talk to strangers’ thing a bit too seriously, are we?” I asked with a low chuckle, secretly enjoying the way her plump lower lip quivered. She hesitantly handed me a small wicker basket I didn’t even notice she was holding, placing it down at my feet before moving backwards.

“Here, you can leave now.” The female murmured softly and was about to scurry back in the direction she left. I didn’t even bother holding back my amusement, laughing wholeheartedly at her cute antics. Little did she know how excited she got me with her innocent demeanour.

“Oh no darling, I don’t need your food. I just need you.”


Remember for the smut and the continuation is in my EXO smuts book but you can always use the link if you feel lazy. XD

Comment your thoughts, feedback and maybe drop a vote if you're feeling generous. I'd appreciate it lots. ❤

Dedicated to my beautiful and sassy bitch:  jiminsplumpasscheeks

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