[Kai] Her brother's friend

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Hi to all the new readers and of course to the old ones! I'm glad to see the amount of reads are increasing, so thank you so much for that, it honestly means a lot.

I thought I'd write an unexpected smut because smuts are my style ;) I've actually got two smut books that could use more reads so feel free to check them out if you're free or interested!

Exo smuts

Kpop smuts



“Urgh for heaven’s sake, I give up!” You practically scream in pure frustration, slamming your blunt pencil down on the wooden desk below, irritation rushing through you.

“What can’t you do, (Y/N)?” Came the annoying voice of your elder brother, Kyungsoo. His bratty voice smug and that really didn’t help improve your trashy mood.

With a moody sigh, you look up to see him standing by your bedroom door with another male that looked around three years older than you. He was handsome, tall and had attractive tanned skin that caught your eye.

“My maths homework...” You awkwardly mumble, snapping your stare away from Kyungsoo’s new friend, gulping when you could still feel his hooded eyes still testing on you from the corner of you.

“Yah!” Kyungsoo called, “This is my friend, Kai and this is my sister, (Y/N).” He introduced with a heart shaped smile that spread out widely across his baby-like face.

“Nice to meet you (Y/N),” Kai smiled looking seemingly friendly, his voice was deeper than you expected but it had a soothing feel to it, “I’m not so bad at maths myself, so, you are very much welcome to drop by to my house this evening and I’ll help you out.” He suggested casually, while outstretching his hand to yours.

You grasp his smooth hand, shaking it firmly with a small smile. But you couldn’t help but frown at his quick invitation, yet just as you were about to question it your annoying brother nodded happily in response.

“That’d be great Kai! My sister sucks at maths,” Kyungsoo stuck his tongue out at you childishly before turning back to his friend, “Come on man, let’s go play that new video game I told you about.” He squealed, tugging the latter along with him.

But the sly wink he sent your way, certainly didn’t go unnoticed.

You felt your cheeks heat up at that flirtatious action but you only sighed irritably after that, refocusing on those complicated math problems that made absolutely no sense.

4 hours later.

“I’m leaving now....” You told your older brother, who was sitting on the plush sofa with his wide eyes stuck straight to the flat screen TV, his mouth stuffed with buttery popcorn.

“Study like a good girl,” Kyungsoo chuckled teasingly, “Oh and Kai lives just two blocks down from here, house number 12.” He called after you.

You only sighed in response, trying up your shoe laces before walking right out the front door and instantly was greeted by the chilly December weather. Crisp and clear air nipped at your warm skin.

You shivered involuntarily, hugging your cosy jacket closer to you body as you jogged down the road until you managed to reach where Kai lived, once you reach house number 12, you hesitantly rat your knuckles on the wooden door.

Less then a millisecond later, the heavy wooden door was being swung open to reveal a fresh looking Kai. His sculptured chest was dressed with a white muscle Tee and black shorts, his mop of brown curls tousled to pure perfection.

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