Do the math (Ruki request)

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Hey guys~ School's starting again so I thought I'd update before I got caught up in school work! Here's a oneshot that was requested, hope you enjoy! :) (I tried to stick with the 'school' theme as much as possible!>//<)


"NOT AGAIN!" You sighed in frustration after seeing the scores of the recent exams. Your mortal(maybe not) enemy/best friend Ruki Mukami had beaten you again. By one point. For first place.

"Better luck next time perhaps." He looked over at you and smirked. It was always like this. He was first, you were second. He had even come out of the womb first. It irritated you but there was nothing you could do about it. No matter how hard you studied, how hard you trained, you were forever behind him. It didn't help that you couldn't hate him either.

"You just wait! I will beat you!"

"Sure. I've been waiting a while too."

"URGH!" You stomped off and went to find a table to eat at. Ruki had already found one and was waving to you.

"Took you longer than I expected." He smiled.

"Whatever." It was literally not humanly possible for him to have gotten there before you but you didn't question it anymore. "What do you have? Can we trade?" You peered over at his lunch.

"Grilled cheese sandwich." He held it out to you. "I'll take that turkey sandwich."

"Alright." You took it from him and handed him your sandwich. "I don't understand how you don't like cheese."

"I don't understand how you like cheese." He gave you a sideways glance.

"Don't most soups have cheese though?"

"It's fine if its in soup. Like how some hate tomatoes but are fine with pizza."

".....sure." You took a bite and munched on it happily. "Say, we're going on a field trip next week, did you start packing yet?"

"Why would I start packing if it's next week?"

"Ha! I started packing first!"



"Did you pack everything sweetie? How many pairs of shoes did you bring?"

"Mom...I don't need five pairs! Two is fine!"

"You'll be okay right? Stick close to Ruki okay? Oh and don't forget your pillow!"

You sighed and took it from your mom. "I wasn't going to forget it.." It was finally time for the trip. The moment you had been waiting for. On this trip, there were so many opportunities for you to beat Ruki. The whole grade was going to go up on a mountain and live there for a few days to experience life outside technology. There would be lights and all that, but you would be sleeping in tents, cooking your own food and all that great stuff. Each class would have their own site and they would live there for a week. "Bye mom!" You spotted your bus turn a corner and come into view. You gave your mom a reassuring hug and ran out the door with all your gear. This was gonna be good.

"You look like you've moved out of the house." Ruki looked you up and down. "You do realize this excursion is only for a few days." He pointed to your bulging backpack on your bag, and humongous suitcase in your hand.

"Haha Ruki. This is where you will taste defeat!" You pointed to his messenger bag, slung across his shoulder. "Surely there is something you forgot to bring and I have 4 of!"

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