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One morning, when the sun was shining, and the skies were blue, you decided to go on a nice, nature hike by yourself with your mixtape but went horribly wrong. So horribly wrong, that even you wouldn't have believed it if someone told you the future. Truth was, you had bad luck and bad luck, is always bad. First, you lost your phone while running from a bear, then you were chased by a bunch of angry wasps whose hive had fallen on your head due to the wind, and of course, your bad luck. After getting stung all over your body, a bird passed by overhead and pooped on your head. Suddenly, a dark cloud covered the sky, and when you looked up, you saw billions of birds, who also seemed to be looking for a 'washroom.' You made the wisest decision, and started running again. When the birds had gone by, you started to take an energy bar out of your pocket, realizing that you were starving, only to realize that it wasn't there. Then, you saw a squirrel escaping with your lunch. You started to chase it, but to no avail. When you stopped by a stream to catch your breath, you were swarmed by mosquitos, and you spent the rest of the day running from those. That's when you noticed something strange. The mosquitos seemed to be chanting something. At first, you thought that it was the buzzing, but as you listened more closely, it sounded like, "capture and eat, capture and eat!" That kinda bugged you, no pun intended, and scared you a bit too. You ran deeper into the woods, far off the trail and found a small shack. Quickly, you stuffed yourself into the shack, hoping the mosquitos would go away. "Where'd she go?" "That way!" "NO, THIS WAY!" "Idiot!" "You're the idiot!" "Ouch, that's my wing! Watch it bozo!" "You watch it!" "GUYS! THIS WAY!" Then, you heard the door of the shack being pushed upon. It was like the mosquitos had gathered together to try to push the door down. You curled into a ball, under a table and hoped so badly that they wouldn't succeed in getting in. Too bad they did. Just your rotten luck right? "AHHHHHH!!!!" A mosquito stung you right on the forehead. You slapped and kicked your way through the swarm, and stumbled outside. Just as you saw the sunlight, it disappeared. In its place, were rainclouds. A lot of them. It started to pour, and lightning flashed in the skies. Thunder rolled in the distance, but you had to keep running. Small red bumps formed on your skin, and they began to itch. So, you scratched as you went along. "GET HER!!!" The mosquitos buzzed excitedly as they followed, but rainwater started to tear through their wings. That's when they began to morph into......humans! "VAMPIRES!!!" You shrieked, as they continued to chase you. You kept running, and running, not knowing where you were going but running anyways. You had no destination, only a goal to escape those bloodthirsty demons. You kept running blindly past the trees, past the stream....but still, they pursued you relentlessly. Finally, you were out of breath, and exhausted. The rain had stopped, and the dirt and soil had turned into mud. As you slipped on the mud, you landed on your back, facing the sky. "She's down! She's down!" The group of former mosquitos crowded around you. "Stand back boys." You couldn't believe that there were only 9 guys standing around you. The number of mosquitos had seemed so much more numerous. You blinked up at the sun, who, at that moment had decided to come out, and noticed a man with pale skin, white hair and gold eyes looking down at you. "Oh ho. She's a good one too." "'She' has a name..." You mumbled in reply, but he ignored you. "Boys, what did you learn from this?" The man addressed the other guys in the group."That we're hungry and you're still a horrible father." A red-haired boy with green eyes answered politely. "Wrong! I taught you how to use your nose to sniff out prey and chase your prey down relentlessly!" "We knew that long before!" The boy retorted. As you lay there, seemingly forgotten for the moment, the man and the boy had a heated discussion, with added comments from the others. Then turning back to you, he said, "I'm sorry but it seems we haven't introduced ourselves yet. I'm Karlheinz the vampire king, and these are my boys whose names aren't important." Karlheinz smiled and bowed deeply while the boys scowled. "I'm (y/n). Please don't hurt, or eat me." You replied, only slightly terrified. Okay. Super terrified. These guys weren't anywhere close to normal. THEY WERE VAMPIRES FOR GOODNESS SAKES! "Hahahaha!" Karlheinz...let's call him Karl, laughed and threw his head back. "Oh you're hilarious. Eat you? We might. Hurt you? Eating you comes with a bit of pain..." "Then don't eat me?" You suggested helpfully. "Hmmm....I'm starting to like you....okay, bear with me for a bit..." Karl bent down and scooped you up. You really thought he wasn't gonna eat you. Then, he turned your head to get a better view of your neck, and sank his fangs into your flesh. Soon, everything went black. The last thing you remember hearing was groaning and complaints from the boys that they wanted some too.

When you came to, your were in a grand room. Obviously not yours from the looks of it. As you took a good look around, Karl came in. "Hello my dear, nice to see you up and as alive as you were before!" He smiled at you and sat at the edge of the bed. "As you can see, you are in my house, and therefore are my guest. If you do anything rash, there shall be punishments! So don't be naughty okay?" He winked and wagged his index finger. You felt a chill go up your spine. "Why am I here? Take me home!" You were not in the mood for his little mind games. "You're here because I brought you here! Why else?" Karl smirked and threw his arms wide. "This is my room!" "I don't care!" Then suddenly, something occurred to you. You looked under the sheets to check if you had clothes on. Phew. Okay, so he didn't seem to have done that. "What do you want from me?" you demanded. "Oh..I simply have taken interest in you sweetheart. Don't be offended. You should feel honoured!" You rolled your eyes. "Why would I be honoured to have a creepy weirdo stalk me?!" Karl merely grinned. "Anyway, from now on, you are to be our maid. Got it? Great. See you." With that, he disappeared. "But you don't even need a maid! You're vampires!" You cried at the air. No use. With a sigh, you got up and noticed a list he had left behind labeled, chores. "I guess I need to start there." You thought aloud.

Several days passed, and before you knew it, weeks passed. This mansion was your new home. Every once in a while, Karl would pop in to mock and tease you. It annoyed the hell out of you, but when he wasn't around, you were left alone with the boys and felt lonely. None of the boys seemed to like or acknowledge you, so they basically ignored you for some weird reason. "I don't have cooties for the last time! Gosh!" You had exclaimed, frustrated when a purple-haired boy had run from you when he ran into you in one of the halls. When Karl showed up one day, you took it all out on him. "DIE MONSTER!!!! YOU MAKE ME YOUR MAID YET NONE OF YOUR 'BOYS,' WHAT ARE THEY, YOUR SONS, EVEN SEEM TO KNOW I'M HERE, OR MAYBE THEY DO KNOW THEY JUST WANT TO IGNORE ME FOR SOME WEIRD REASON I CAN'T EXPLAIN, CAN YOU EXPLAIN IT, OH WAIT, LITTLE MISTER I'M TOO GOOD FOR THIS HOUSE, SO I'M ONLY GONNA VISIT LIKE THREE TIMES EVERY YEAR DOESN'T KNOW BECAUSE HE DOESN'T HAVE A GOOD CONNECTION WITH HIS 'CHILDREN' OR WHATEVER THOSE KIDS ARE-" You were stopped mid-rant, but Karl who held up his hand, motioning for you to stop. "Calm down! First of all....you switched from saying 'you,'  to 'him.' And second of all.....why are you so worked up? I'm a busy man! Thank me for stopping by in my free time!" "OH I'M NOT EVEN DONE WITH YOU YET, YOU'RE ONLY GONNA COME LIKE ONCE EVERY BLUE MOON-" "You just said three times a year, make up your mind!" You ignored him and kept going. "AND THEN YOU LEAVE WITH YOUR HEAD HELD HIGH LIKE LOOK AT ME, I'M THE KING OF THIS WORLD!!! BOW DOWN AT MY FEET AND WORSHIP ME!!!" You gasped for breath, then once your lungs were filled with air, you prepared to continue. That's when Karl grabbed you by the collar of your shirt, pulled you close and kissed you right on the mouth. "Geez, if I didn't stop you in time, who knew how long you would've gone on for!" He joked after pulling away from you. Surprised you were speechless. Karl grinned at you. He really acted so boyish and immature sometimes you had forgotten that he was a man. "How about you and me go to my place together where we're alone?" "This isn't your place?" "I don't sleep here." "But what about the boys....if they're you sons what happened to their mom..." "Forget that. What do you say? As a reward for your hard work here. I'll make sure that there'll be a feast fit for a vampire king...and his mate." You blushed at the word 'mate.' "A feast huh?" There was no way you could refuse that. "Fine! When do we leave?"

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