On the road to love (Kanato request)

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A while back someone requested a Kanato one shot...so here it is! This may be a bit unrealistic but bear with me! Btw thanks so much for 60k views!!! LIKE WOAH! Should I do a q&a so you guys can get to know me more? Maybe 10 facts about myself? COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK! Enjoy! :)


"Uh Kanato....did you pack socks?"

"Why would I pack socks?! We were just going to have a picnic! "

"Mine have self destructed..." You miserably looked at your feet, drenched in dirty water. Things should not have ended this way. Absolutely not. Here's a brief recap of what happened to you two over the last 3 hours. You and Kanato had decided to have a picnic as a first date. You had packed sandwiches and cakes of course, and that's where everything took a turn for the worse. A few turns. Kanato had declared that he was hungry, so you had pulled out the basket where you had put the sandwiches you made, only to discover that it was empty. How could this have happened? Blame your lovely, innocent dog Goldie. The two of you then proceeded to get lost halfway in the middle of nowhere and had decided that scouting the area was a good idea. Too bad you skid on some mud when you tried to get it to move  and ended up in the murky water in the ditch. Climbing back out was not ideal since you did not pack any hiking materials. Therefore, your nicest yellow sundress was ruined and your sneakers were no longer recognizable. That ends our little adventure into the past,

"(Y/n)! Teddy sees someone coming!" Kanato gestured to you to look up and sure enough there was a car. A car meant another living human being who could potentially help you out of this situation. Only problem? You wouldn't even help youself if you saw what you looked like at the moment. Kanato had mud in his purple hair, his pant leg was ripped, and his shirt was....an interesting shade of brown. Even Teddy looked drained.

You jumped up and started waving wildly at the driver, trying to get them to stop. They passed right by after giving you a wary glance. "Ah geez! Well I wouldn't take your help either!" You stuck out your tongue at the retreating car. "What shall we do Kanato? It's scorching, we're dirty, we have nowhere to go and we're hungry.

"You tell me. You were the one who insisted on having a picnic." Kanato sat down cross-legged on the floor and cradles Teddy in the crook of his arm. "Right Teddy?"

"Humph." You pouted and walked in circles. "We just need someone to give us some directions. Honestly. That's all we ask!" You threw your hands up in the air in frustration.

"We could ask that guy." Kanato pointed to an old man with long rusty blond hair covering his left eye and with a long beard standing beside a speed limit sign. He had on some very old fashioned looking spectacles.

"Where did he come from?! How long has he been standing there?!"

Kanato shrugged. "A few minutes now? Teddy saw him standing there since we got out of the car."

"Teddy! Why didn't you tell me?!" You blew Teddy a kiss and skipped towards the man. "Excuse me! We're lost and we need some directions..."

The man gave you a once-over. "Miss....do you have food?" His voice was raspy and he reached out towards you.

"Um no? I'm sorry but we don't..." You warily took a step back.

"Oh I see..." The man sighed.

Kanato came up behind you and gave the man a strange look. "(Y/n)...let's just keep driving until we find something."

"Kanato we've been doing that for an hour!"

"Maybe another hour is all we need!"

"Kanato...." You sighed and turned back to the man. "We don't have food but would you like anything else?"

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