A Purr-fect tale

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There you stood, gazing up at a picture of a cute black cat with glowing green eyes, posted up on a lamp post by it's owners. This situation is anything but positive though. The poster was up all around town, for the missing kitty. Help find Fifi! Call 111-111-1111 if you see her! You yawned and checked your watch. 8:30 am. Your bus should be here soon to drag you off to hell. As you turned back to the poster and scanned it again, you noticed that the owner's name was familiar. "Hmmm....I feel like I should know this person? Oh well....." You were startled by a sudden screech, and looked up to find your bus, waiting for you. "Good luck finding that cat." You muttered, as you boarded the bus, and went on your way to the underworld.

A few days later, as you were sitting by the bus stop and minding your own business, you found yourself face to face with a cat. A black cat with glowing green eyes to be exact. "H-hey! Fifi!" You dropped your bag and chased after the cat, as it rounded corners just to get away from you. "Wait!!! Your owners-*gasp* are looking for- *gasp* you!" You were so engrossed with keeping the cat in sight, that you didn't see the rock right in font of you. Naturally, you tripped over it, being the klutz that you are. "Ouch..." Was what you tried to say when you got up. Only it didn't come out like that at all. It sounded more like, "meow!" You blinked, and tried to brush yourself off, but you noticed that your arms weren't arms, and your hands weren't hands. "Meow mrow mew.." Don't tell me.... "MEOWWWWWWW!!!" I've turned into a cat!  Instantly, you started to contemplate life, and its meaning, but to no avail. You looked around, and took in your surroundings. You trotted over to a puddle of water, and stared at your reflection. A black cat, with bright green eyes stared back.

"Fifi! There you are!" Great timing.....You turned and saw a teenage boy with silvery hair tinged pink at the tips coming towards you. He had clearly mistaken you for the cat he had lost. You hissed and arched your back. "Tch don't be that way. I'm sure you're hungry right?" He held out a can of tuna. For some reason, your stomach decided to growl, and you launched yourself at the can of tuna. Great idea right? The boy caught you easily, and as he brought you closer to his face, you saw that this was Subaru Sakamaki, one of your classmates! How awkward.... "Come on, we're going home. You caused me sooo much trouble..." He cooed into your ear, as he rubbed your head affectionately. This was a side of him you've never seen before! Who knew he had a serious cat complex? Maybe this would be somewhat enjoyable.....little did you know, there was a lot more to come.

"Here Fifi. Here's your dinner." Subaru came in close, and plopped some tuna onto your dish, and filled your other dish with milk. As he neared, you purred quite happily, enjoying your life as a cat. He scratched a patch behind your ear, just where you liked it, and you mewled cheerfully in response. He smiled. "As soon as you finish it's off to bed! You can come sleep with me for the night. Not because I want to or anything, just that I thought you might get cold especially since it's like -20 degrees today." Ah. Tsundere even with his pets. Subaru gave you one last pat on the head, and left. You replayed what he just said in your head. Oh no. He couldn't figure out that you were a girl...if he did...he would freak, for sure! See, the problem was that you seemed to turn into a cat during the day, and back into a girl at night. You discovered this the first night, as you needed to go pee during the night, and stood to find yourself human again. Of course, you had debated leaving, but it wasn't an option until you found a way to make yourself permanently human. Or cat. Just kidding. Not really. Well anyways, now you had to sleep in the same room as him without him noticing.....hopefully that would go well.

Subaru scooped you up and put you gently on the bed. "Did you really think I would let you sleep on the floor? I'm just being nice though....think nothing of it. Tch." Great. You were going to sleep in the same bed as a boy, without him finding out you were a human girl. Just great. Oh mother, what did I do wrong? I admit, I was the one who ate the last cookie, but it was on a dare! You thought miserably to yourself. "Ahh. Refreshing. Come here, don't be scared." Subaru had climbed into bed with you, and he pulled you close. He nuzzled your cheek and sighed happily. Wow. Subaru. Happy? Those two words didn't normally go together very well. He must really love his cat. "I love you Fifi....you're the only one who understand me..." Subaru sighed, and tucked you in next to him. It was almost as if he had read your mind. Scary thought, but sweet. You mewed in response, not sure what he would take it for. You had meant to say "I love me too," but you felt your heart beat faster suddenly. Subaru leaned in close to you and gently planted a kiss on your nose. *POOF*  With a start, you realized that you were human again. The curse had been broken by a kiss of true love?! You started to cheer, then saw Subaru's face. "How did you....." He looked surprised, angry, then content. You blushed. "Um...I guess this whole ordeal brought us closer right? Haha......" You sat there, beside him, on the bed, fidgeting awkwardly, not sure what to do. "What a sweet dream...the girl I like right in front of me......mmmm" Subaru muttered dreamily, and tackled you into a hug. "I love you...(y/n)...don't ever leave me.....my poor kitty......" You bit back a laugh, at this vulnerable and cute side of Subaru, and said, "I love you too......Tsunderella....You take great care of your pets I'll give you that much." You smiled, thankful that he thought that this was all a dream, and that you weren't a creepy stalker that could turn into his lost cat, and stroked his hair fondly. You tucked the two of you in, and hoped that tomorrow, he wouldn't be too surprised to find you in his bed.

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