The vampire as teachers!

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Ayato: Gym teacher!!! (Imagine Ore-sama playing basketball...interacting with children....ahhhh)

Kanato: Math (IT'S BEDMASSSSS, USE BEDMASSS YOU IDIOTS!!! Like got hella interesting.)

Reiji: History (I can imagine his monotonous voice droning on and on about the revolution....)

Laito: French (Use your tongue! ;))

Shu: Music (Instrumentals, would he teach at all?)

Subaru: Science/Geography (This is how the Subaru car works.....blah blah blah.)

Ruki: English (Because he's just as complex and sophisticated as the English language!)

Yuma: Home Ec (He likes gardening, so why not make him Home Ec teacher? ;))

Kou: Music (Regular, the only reason why girls like to sing.)

Azusa: Guidance Counselor (Although he probably needs it more than his's always soothing to talk to someone with a really slow pace. :) jks)

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