Cinderella part 1

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Cold. Hard. Stone. Floor. Those were the first four words that came to your mind when you came to. You identified yourself to be in a cellar, and noticed that you were wearing rags. You made a face as you smelt the fabric. "Ewwww." You muttered. Squeak!  To make things much, much worse, there were mice. You shuddered as you tried to sidestep one. "Cinderella!!!!!! Come wash my clothes!!!!" You noticed that the mouse was chasing you, and you tried to outrun it. "CINDERELLAAAAA!!!!" The door burst open and you saw, two young men, standing at the door with their hands on their hips. "Hi." You waved  at them. "WASH MY CLOTHES!!!!" One shrieked, while the other yelled, "MAKE ME TAKOYAKI!!!!" "Me?" You pointed to yourself. They both glared even harder at you. "Don't pretend you don't know." One of them, the one with brown hair wearing a green suit tapped his foot impatiently. "Now now Drizelldo. You know you shouldn't rush poor Cinderella. Instead, make her do even more  work if she doesn't hurry up." "Mother!" Drizelldo nodded. "Mother!!!! Cinderella won't make me takoyaki!!!" The red haired one wearing a red suit pouted and crossed his arms. What were they? Three years-old? "Um excuse me....who's Cinderella? You can't be referring to me can you?" You asked confused. The 'mother' of the two simply smiled. "Cinderella dear, you'd better hurry if you want to go to that ball." With that, they all left. Not before the boys made a face at you. You made one right back. Humph. Serves them right. A few hours later, the 'mother' returned to find you still sitting in the cellar not doing anything. "Cinderella. You should hurry up and get the chores done. I thought you wanted to go to the ball." She smirked and tossed a basket-full of dirty clothes at you. "Oh and, Ayato is waiting for his takoyaki. When you've finished everything on this list," she tossed a huge roll of paper your way, "come to our rooms to help us prepare for the ball." "Wait...what ball? Since when I your sevant also?" You asked shifting the heavy load of laundry onto your other arm and glancing quickly at the list. "Also, I don't know how to make takoyaki." "I am your stepmother. Be grateful to me. There's a cookbook in the cupboard." She turned to leave. "And the ball, is for the princess along with her twin brother to choose a fiancé(e). Now get to it, I have more important things to do than explain everything to you." You heard her footsteps disappearing along with her. "Geez but what am I gonna wear?! And be grateful to someone like her?! I'd rather die a cat lady than live here with her." You grumbled to yourself. "Anyways look at this list!" You sighed miserably. "I don't even know how to do half this stuff." You turned to the mouse, peering at you with round, shiny eyes. "Wish me luck." Squeak! 

When night finally came, you were done with life. Your back was too. And you neck. And arms. And legs. "Finally, let's make that takoyaki...." You went over to the kitchen and opened all the cupboards hoping to find the cookbook. "'s not there." You muttered angrily. " hard could making takoyaki be?" You started mixing ingredients into a bowl and after about 30 minutes, your takoyaki was ready. "Is it supposed to finish that fast?" You wondered. You gave the takoyaki a firm poke. Rock hard. "Serves them right for treating me this way, and for lying about the cookbook. As you went to clean the counter, you found the cookbook. Right behind the bad of flour. "Great. There's no time...left and I need to help them get ready.." You checked the clock. You stuffed the cookbook into the bag of flour, deep down, so they wouldn't catch your lie if anything bad happened and went to look for their rooms. You knocked on the first one with a sign that said 'Drizelldo the beautiful,' on it. "I'm supposed to help you get ready?" "Come in! I'm having a fashion crisis!!!! Which one matches my eyes better? This one or this one? Ohhhh Cinderella you're no help!!!! Here, at least pick out my shoes. Wait no. I'm wearing these ones. I think." Drizelldo continued babbling and you just sat at the edge of his bed watching him in wonder. How can one speak so fast without breathing? "Well if you don't need any help...I'll check on your mother and on Ayato? I think that was his name..." You slowly inched out of his room. Drizelldo didn't seem to notice. He was still muttering something about colour palettes. You went down the hall and found another door. This one had a sign saying, 'Ore-sama.' Wow this family was extremely egotistical. you knocked and went in. He wasn't in there. Instead, you felt someone breathing down your neck, and as you slowly turned around, you saw Ayato standing there. "Hello there!" You jumped back a bit but kept your cheery attire. "Explain to me, what you did to make the takoyaki." He demanded. "Oh um....haha...about that..." You wanted to say that you had followed the cookbook, but you were pretty sure that even if you misread the instructions completely, it still wouldn't have been so far off as yours had been. "Did you try it before putting it on a plate?! Did you keep it warm until I got there later??!! DID YOU EVEN FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS?!?!?!?!" Boy he was mad. " thing is.....I couldn't fin the I kinda.....'winged' it." You twiddled your thumbs nervously. Ayato smirked. "You didn't find it did you?? THEN EXPLAIN TO ME WHY THIS WAS IN THE BAG OF FLOUR!!!" He took something out from behind his back, and it turned out to be the cookbook you had so cleverly stashed in the bag of flour. "Wonder how that got there. What a weird place to be.....hahaha" You started moving away from Ayato. "Anyways, I gotta go help your mother prepare you later!!!" You ran as fast as you could down the hall. Then you realized it was a dead end. There were no more rooms in that hallway. "Crap!" you turned to see Ayato advancing on you slowly. "You can make fun of me, you can have a damn flat chest, you can even beat me in basket-ball! But if you PAY FOR IT WITH YOUR LIFE!!!" He pounced and tried to whack you in the head with the cookbook, which was frighteningly thick with a hard-cover. You stumbled and tried to duck, but instead you lost your balance and fell forwards, towards Ayato. Without realizing it, you grabbed his shirt and you both went down. After a bit of tumbling, cursing, and you trying to squeeze your eyes closed and protect your head with your arms , you both lay still. You opened your eyes slowly, and noticed something very very uncomfortable. Ayato was lying on top of you. Your arms were still above your head. YOU WERETHISCLOSE TO EACH OTHER!!! You could feel his breath on your face. "You're so.............flat." IN THIS AWKWARD SITUATION, THAT'S ALL HE COULD SAY?!?!?! You were outraged. You brought your knee up from under him, and kneed him right in the balls. It was at that moment, that his mother came. "What is going on here? Are you trying to molest my son? You good for nothing pauper!!!" She  instantly went all protective-mode on Ayato who was crying like a baby, and cradling his balls. "I....I challenge you to a game of basket-ball." He gasped. "Huh?" "If I will do whatever I say, and you will apologize to me as to what you've done, at the ball, in front of everyone." "Have you no shame?!" You gasped at that idea. "And if I win?" "Whatever you want." "" You held out your hand to shake on it. Ayato just slapped your hand. "Game on." He whispered. Then he went back to nursing his 'area.' You rolled your eyes. "The ball starts in an hour. I supposed you have time to do this silly game, then get changed." Ayato nodded as you did too.

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