Sweet sugary love

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I haven't updated in a long time I know.....especially a one shot, but I'm back at it again! Here's a Yuma X Reader! Hope you guys enjoy! :) ~Magical_Melon

You were standing...in a midst of bodies at a funeral...maybe a hundred? More? Yet you felt so alone...No one left...Your aunt and uncle along with others bowed their heads sadly, as if they understood the pain of losing someone dear to them....They didn't and they never would...Your family had died in a car accident . You were just lucky that you were at school while your parents and your three year-old sibling went grocery shopping. As you bawled your eyes out, a boy with dark blonde hair pulled into a loose ponytail stood shifted uncomfortably behind you. You took a pack of sugar cubes out of your pocket and sniffled as you put one into your mouth. Your father always gave them to you when your cried although your mother was against it. You missed you father. The sugar cubes were the sole survivors of the accident in fact...

"Noooooo!!! I'm late!!!!!!" You screeched as you peeled a banana at top speed and raced out the door.

"Be careful sweetie!" Your aunt Rosa called out, but you were already gone. You raced to the bus stop in record time and gasped for air.

"Could you breathe any louder?" A boy stood beside you, looking annoyed.

"Geez, sorry, for needing, oxygen." You gasped back. He rolled his eyes at you and tucked a loose strand of his dark blonde hair behind his ear. As the bus came to a stop in front of you, he pushed ahead and boarded first, ignoring your wheezes of complaint.

"You better apologize to the trees for using up my oxygen!" You huffed angrily. "Maybe that's why I'm having a hard time catching my breath..." You plopped into an empty seat, and put your earplugs in, shutting out the rest of the world.....

"Oi! Y/n! Wanna go get ice cream?!?!?!" You best friend Lily screeched at you from across the hall.

"Ah ok, lemme just tell my aunt...." You dialed home quickly on your cell and left a message. "Kay! Let's go!"

"Mmmm! That was good!" Lily rubbed her stomach happily.

 Eying her warily, you rolled your eyes."You say that after every meal..."

"Well...Oh! This is where I leave you! See you at school tomorrow!" She ran to the other side of the road and waved cheerfully at you. You waved back. You watched her until she became a tiny dot among the sea of tiny dots, then you began your walk home. You walked slowly, watching people walk by you and observed the small stores around you. There was your favourite bakery...You still remembered the first time you had gone. Your mother had told you that you could choose anything since it was your birthday, but you couldn't tell your father since it was a rival bakery.....Your mother.....You shook your head, shaking the memory out of your head. After all, it hurt to remember that kind of stuff, but it only got worse. The more you tried to block it out, the more it pushed against the fragile barrier you had built in your head over the years. Finally, you gave out and your mind was instantly flooded with memories.....The first time you went to the beach, your first day at school, the day you found out you were getting a sibling, that day you got lost and cried for an hour straight.......You gasped and crumpled to the ground. It was dark, so the wall cast an eerie shadow over you, shielding you from the busy streets. Tears flowed from your cheeks and you wished Lily was still here...If she was here this would've never happened....She could distract you...Make you forget for a while...But she was long gone. Now, it was just you, the shadows and the pain. As you continued to sob, a shadow loomed over you.

"Could you choose a more obvious spot to cry? Geez. Seems like you can cry anywhere huh? Not only are you taking up the world's limited supply of oxygen, but you're being loud and putting out plenty of carbon dioxide too!"

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