Party people gotta stick together!

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"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Watch where you stick that thing! I could die y'know!" You shrunk away from the hot iron in your best friends hand. "Dying by a hair curler is not very common. You have nothing to worry about. And even if you do, you'll be famously known as that one fool who died somehow." Claire replied and lunged for your hair again. you sucked in your breath, closed your eyes and crossed your fingers. "Please don't let me be that fool who dies.....please please please.....I didn't do anything wrong! I think?" You muttered softly under your breath. "Ok! Done!" Claire leaned away from you, and shoved a mirror in your face. "Ohhh..." You murmured as you felt your hair. "Pretty cool huh." Claire grinned, obviously satisfied with her work. You nodded. "Okay. What about my clothes? I need something...nice..." "You probably couldn't put together an outfit if your life depended on it." Claire got up, and started looking through your closet. You watched as she pulled out a cute lavender dress and a jean jacket. "Since when did I have those?" You wondered out loud. Claire sighed. "You have a lot of nice clothes. Time to start wearing them instead of those oversized shirts you get from who- knows-where! Maybe you were looking in the wrong aisle? Next time ask where the womans section is." "Those are brand names!" You changed into the clothes she had laid out for you. "Now...match it with these silver flats.....and a necklace.....and you're good to go!" She gave you a thumbs up as you twirled around. "Nice!" You beamed at her happily. "You're the best." "I know. Now go and have some fun, and tell me every little detail when you get back!"

Okay. So by now, you were on your way. You were getting a ride with your neighbor, Julie, who had convinced her older brother to drive so her parents wouldn't find out. Your parents weren't even going to be home for the next week or so. They were always on business trips. Anyways. Where were you guys going? There. To the party. What party? His party. Whose party? Only Laito Sakamaki's party!!!! The Sakamaki's parties were the best in the school. You were lucky enough to snag an invite, but that was only because Laito's locker was next to yours, and he was your science partner. Claire was invited too, only she was busy tonight. With a date. It seemed that nowadays, everybody had a boyfriend or girlfriend. Except for you. Sure, you liked living the single life....but....come on. It gets lonely. "Did you hear me?" Julie's voice drew you out of your thoughts. "Huh?" She sighed. "I was just saying how hot the Sakamakis are and how lucky we are to be going to their place! I heard it's a mansion!" She kept going on and on about how awesome she thought the Sakamakis were and you tuned out. To be honest, you were only going because you wanted to see what a boy-girl party would turn out to be. Also....turning down an invitation from the Sakamakis is like suicide. Enough said. As you pulled up in the driveway, you looked up and saw an enormous mansion towering over you. "They weren't kidding." You gasped. Julie was just as speechless. "I'll get you guys at what? 2?" Her brother called from the drivers seat. "Yeah. Let's roll!" She jumped out of the car and smoothed down her strapless red dress that stopped right below her butt. Probably trying to appeal as sexy. She quickly combed a hand through her messy blonde hair. "Come on (y/n)!" You jumped out and waved as her brother pulled out of the lot. Now....all you had to do was survive this night.

When you both walked into the mansion, the foyer was crowded with girls and guys, dancing, and making out. Gross. You wrinkled you nose and pushed pass a couple who seemed literally attached at the face, and went to check out the snack bar. Julie came up behind you. "Those drinks might be spiked." She observed carefully. She took a cup, and downed the whole thing in one gulp. "Julie!" You gasped. She grinned and downed several more, before wobbling into the crowd. There goes your 'partner in crime.' Who knew she was a party freak? Looking back, her brother didn't seem too surprised and he didn't even comment on her attire. You carefully sniffed a cupcake and bit into it. It seemed safe, but you tossed it away anyways. "Are you planning on standing there for the whole party?" Surprised, you turn and find yourself face-to-face with the Sakamaki party lord himself. Laito. "Ya....probably...." You say awkwardly. He smiles, and you feel your face start to heat up and you look away quickly. "Nice house." "Not mine. Our dear, old dad left it for us." Something about his tone told you that he didn't really mean it when he said 'dear, old dad.' "Oh." Ya. Real smart reply. "Would you like to dance?" Laito holds out his hand towards you. You blink at his outstretched hand. "I can't dance." You reply bluntly. He only laughs. "I'll teach you." He has a mischievous glint in his eye. You reluctantly take his hand, and let him lead you onto the dance floor. As he twirls you around, you take in your surroundings. It really isn't as bad as you thought it would be. Sure there was alcohol, but there was also Reiji and Ruki going around, confiscating it and kicking out the people who were drunk. Laito noticed you staring. "Party poopers." He gave them a good glare. You let out a small giggle. "Just keeping the place PG!" Ruki shouts back, seeming to somehow have heard Laito's remark. "Whatever." You smile. The Sakamakis might be popular, but they aren't that stuck-up, which is quite a surprise, but it's great. "Oh looks like Kate's here! I'm going to go say hi!" And just like that, your good mood ended. You wandered over to the snacks again, and popped a Dorito into your mouth. "Hey! (Y/n) I didn't expect to see you here!" You look up and see one of the guys in your class, Donald. He held out a hand and asked for a dance. You nodded and let him lead you onto the floor.

After dancing with quite a few people, you started to get tired. As you sat down and took your shoes off, (your feet were really quite sore, not only from bad dancers) you heard soft, piano music wafting into the room. You ignored it at first, thinking it was just you, going slightly insane from all the loud music, but after it went on for a while, you decided to go look for it. You headed down the hall, past Reiji who was obviously displeased with a couple, and found yourself, standing in front of a big empty room. Well it was empty except for the piano. You peeked in, and saw Laito sitting at the piano. "Come on in." You were shocked that he had seen you, and you entered the room embarrassed. "'s play piano very well." You blurted out finally. "Nfufu. I've been playing since I was a child. A hobby I guess you can call it. Would you like to try?" Laito chuckled, shifted over on the bench, and patted the seat. You slowly went over to sit beside him. "Music has always been there for me. When people haven't." He spit that last sentence out. Like it tasted bad. "I don't rely on people much either." He added thoughtfully. "Why are you telling me this?" You asked, confused that he was now, pouring his heart out to you. "I feel like you're different. You know?" He took your hand gently. "Um...." "You don't throw yourself at me like the other girls. You're not like the rest. That's all I can say." You blinked. "I would like to try to get to know you more." Laito looked you in the eye. "Apart from having a locker beside you, and being your science partner, I want to get to know you more than that. I want to get to know your deep, dark secrets..." "Okay okay. Stop right there. It was sounding real sweet too! I get the point okay?" You blushed and pushed him away from you. "Nfufufu." He chuckled, obviously pleased to see your reaction. You'd forgotten that he was a bit of a pervert. Okay, maybe not a bit. "But....anyways.....(y/n). Will you be my girlfriend?" You nodded after considering it for a moment. A good girl, for a bad boy. What could possibly go wrong? "And while we're at it, here's a song for you." Sweet, piano music wafted into the air as he played, and you felt that everything was just right. You would have a lot of explaining to do with Claire.

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