A Faint Heartbeat

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School is finally over, which means I'll be updating more often! Please keep an eye out for new oneshots! Thank you all for keeping up with me although I update quite slowly... :) Hope you enjoy this one!


"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!"

"Huh?" You looked up and saw the faint outline of Subaru. "Did I pass out again?"

"....Tch. If you do that again....."Subaru turned away.

"What happened?"

"You were hit in the head with a ball and passed out. Thought it was the end of you jeez. Gave the guy quite an earful." He patted his chest proudly. You smiled weakly in response and tried to sit up. Your health was quite poor and you became tired easily. Subaru was a family friend and had even transferred schools just to watch over you and you were thankful for that.

"Uh....remind me....why are we here?" You brushed yourself off and looked around.

"School just ended....let's go home." Subaru rolled his eyes and started off.

"Ah! Wait! ok.." You ran to catch up.


"How was school dear?" Your mother asked as you ate dinner quietly.

"Good...the usual....fell asleep in history....woke up in time for lunch...."

"I'm talking about your grades sweetie...If you continue to sleep during class...you'll start to fall behind in school."

"Argh mom!"

"I'm just concerned about you okay?"

"I know....May I be excused?" Although your plate was still full you weren't hungry all of a sudden.

".....alright." Your mom sighed and gave in.

"I'm not a child anymore!" You huffed as you stomped up the stairs. "So stop treating me like one!" You weren't having a very good day after all. You felt a bit lightheaded as you stepped into your room and sat down quickly. "Geez....." You picked up your phone and dialed Subaru's number. "Subaru....!"

"What? I haven't finished my dinner yet.....what a time to call.."

"Ah sorry....I just wanted to go over the history notes with you for the test tomorrow...."

"...Do your parents know you have a test?"

"...If they did they would kill me!!!"

"I know...geez ok wait...." There was some shuffling and muffled exchanges. "Okay. What page?"

"Every page.....please don't kill me..."


"I know...."

"This is gonna be a long day."



The next morning, you got up feeling confident you would ace that test. When you got to school, you greeted your friends cheerily and skipped off to class.

"(Y/n)! Stop skipping! You're going to pass out!" Subaru was ever so optimistic.

"Don't worry! I won't-" You felt a wave of nausea and fell into Subaru's arms.

"What did I tell you?! You have to be more careful!"

"....It's..ok..." You struggled to stand up straight even with his help.

diabolik lovers one shots no lemons :) Where stories live. Discover now