Aye-aye Captain!

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"Clean my cabin while you're at it too!" "Yes Captain....." You trudged off in the direction of the cabins and sighed. That was the fourth time you tried to explain to the Captain that you were a girl, and not a guy. "Captain Yuma is so harsh.........making me do extra work just because I took like two minutes of his time!"  You sulked and grabbed the broom from the closet. "I'm a cabin boy....but I'm not even a boy! Do I look that manly?" You peered into a dusty metal can before sighing and tossing it into the trash bin. "Anyways, might as well get to work....."

A few hours passed quickly, while you were stuck at the bottom of the boat, cleaning away at the messy cabins. "Dinner time!!!" You groaned when you heard the call. Dinner was usually bread and soup. Same thing every single day. Canned beans had been added to the soup today, as you saw them dumping the beans along with who-knows-what-else into the soup. Is whatever that was even somewhat edible? You climbed the rickety ladder leading up onto the deck. As you emerged, you were overwhelmed by the smell of a rotting animal corpse. Oh wait, that was the soup. What had the cook put in there?! Is he trying to kill us?! You wondered. You noticed all the other crew members eating away heartily at the soup. Didn't they notice something was clearly wrong with it......You took a seat and a bite from the bread. Gingerly, you dipped your bread into the soup and stuffed it quickly into your mouth. "OH MY GAWD." You gasped and covered your mouth from shock. "THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING!!!!" You quickly gulped down the rest of the soup. All the other crew members shot you a dirty look, but you didn't care. How did they manage to make the beans taste good with tomatoes and potatoes?! You could've sworn seeing the cook pour generous amounts of pepper and grilled chicken, yet the food was freaking delicious!!! After a hearty meal, you went right back to work. Again. Sweeping and cleaning the cabins.....

"(Y/n). I need to have a little chat with you." You froze and looked up. Captain Yuma was standing over you with his hands planted firmly on his hips. "Um.....yes?" You stood up from your bent over position. You moaned a little and stretched out your back. Staying bent over for a long time isn't a good idea kids. "We've arrived at the first island. There's a hot spring nearby that some of our men found from scouting, and we've decided to relax there. I expect you'll be there too." You sighed at the thought of a nice warm spring.......wait what?! "Um....actually-" "It's a celebration okay? Be there. Or else..." Captain Yuma leaned in close to your face and glared right into your eyes. You gulped and nodded. "I'll send someone to call you when we're ready. Now....back to work! You're almost done too." With that, he left you standing open-mouthed. "But-I..." You called out after him, but he was already gone. You sighed and sat down. "What am I gonna do now?!?!" You stared at the broom in your hand, as if it would fix everything for you. "I'm gonna tell him. Now." You turned and started up the ladder and to his cabin.

You could overhear snippets of the conversation going on inside his cabin. Curiously, you pressed your ear up against the door. "........not........it's too.........girl..........." You gasped when you heard the word 'girl.' You jammed your ear into the crack of the door, and tried harder to hear what was going on. At that moment, the door flew open, and knocked you to the ground. Captain Yuma stood over you incredulously. You knew you were splayed out on the floor in an unattractive way, but he was looking at you as if you were a big, juicy piece of meat and he was a starving lion. You blinked, and looked down at your chest, where his gaze was directed at. Omigosh. Your shirt was unbuttoned, and showed your bra! You remembered that it had gotten hot while cleaning the cabins, and you had decided that no one would go down there anyway, so why not chill a little? Quickly, you clenched your shirt and buttoned it back up. Blushing, you said, "excuse me," and started to run..anywhere but here. "Wait." You turned to see Yuma still fixedly staring at you. "Yes?" You shifted nervously under his gaze. "My cabin. Now." He turned and went back in. "Not a word to anyone about anything." He breathed into the other sailor's ear. He just stood in shock, and hurried off in the opposite direction. You stepped into the cabin after Yuma, and closed the door behind you for privacy. Good, if he was gonna yell at you so no one could hear, bad if he was going to beat you up or something and no one could help you. Not that he's ever beaten you before, now that you think about it. "Sit." His voice jerked you back into reality. You took a seat in a rickety chair, while Yuma sat behind his desk in a leather recliner. You still questioned it even after seeing it many times during cleaning shifts. "Care to tell me what's going on?" It sounded more like a command than a question, but you still decided to spill the beans. "I  don't know why everyone mistakes me for a boy, I tried telling you so many times, but to no avail, I can't go to the hot springs with the rest of the crew because that would be just awkward, I have such a hard time hiding my pads-" "TMI...........ok I get the point. You can stay here then instead of going to the hot springs with us. I meant explain the eavesdropping."You nodded, a bit breathless. "Accident! I swear it'll never happen again." "....." You both sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes. You broke the silence with, "can I go now?" Yuma nodded curtly, however you knew that this was not the end of the matter. You scurried out of the cabin, and headed back to finish your chores.

Ever since Captain Yuma had discovered  that you were a girl, he seemed to give you less work to do, and gave you more time off. Almost as if he was caring for you. He would ask if you were tired from time to time, and even gave you his jacket when it was cold on deck. You were a bit puzzled as to why, but decided it was best to just appreciate it while it lasted. "(Y/n)." You turned to see Captain Yuma eyeing you oddly. "Yes?" Nervously you stepped close to him. "I've been thinking..." He trailed off. You looked at him expectantly. Since when was he so tall? And his ponytail was so.....cool..... You didn't notice when he wrapped his arm around you. "Um.....Captain?" You asked, confused. "I was thinking........Aye be looking for my first mate. And I think I've gotten meself a nice one!" You blushed and buried your face into his chest, so he wouldn't see how red your cheeks were. "I only have ayes for you mate." He whispered into your hair. You giggled and sighed. "I'm kind of glad I look like a boy......." You muttered softly. "What was that?" "Nothing."

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