A collection of fairytales

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You were reading peacefully in a library a book of fairytales. They were your favourite collection, with happy endings not sad ones. You giggled as you wondered what the Sakamaki brothers and Mukami brothers would be in a fairytale. Why were you so infatuated with them? Well they would seem less menacing as princesses no? Since they walked around like they owned the school... You sighed as you imagined life back home with them. You were living there for the time being since Yui was your best friend and you hadn't had a place to stay, she offered to let you stay in the mansion with her and the brothers. Another thing that made them scary was the fact that some of them had weird superpowers, and all of them were vampires. "(Y/n)! Look out!" You looked up and saw a ball heading towards your head. You only had time to wonder what a soccer ball was doing in a library. Then everything went black.

Okay, so how this is going to work is to read it like a 'choose your own adventure' book. This would be the intro, and you can read all the oneshots in order, or just pick one to read, then instead of reading the ending that will somewhat connect to the next one, skip to the alternate ending. For now, I'm only going to make one alternate ending for each, so for example if you read one of them and decide not to read the others, the ending will be at the bottom of the page marked 'alternate ending.' If you choose to read all of them, then read it in order. Also, let's just say that every time you get transported into a different fairytale, you lose your memories and regain them all when you figure out who's in it with you. Anyways I've always wanted to try one of these so here it is! :)


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