Chapter 9

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Later that night at Demi’s house at the dinner table

Demi: God you are such a retard!

Vanessa: it’s not my fault the whole school knows she’s a slut!

Demi: She didn’t do anything an you know it as well as I do the only reason you are saying that is that for once in your life something bad has happened to her and other peoples pain makes you feel good

Vanessa: that not true, but that is true!

Demi: she gave him a freaking kiss if that is having sex I don’t know if you know what sex is!

Brad: *chokes his food* DEMI!

Demi: what dad? Vanessa is going all around school calling Miley a slut because of a rumor that's not even true!

Brad: *looks at Vanessa* Vanessa?

Vanessa: well she deserves it!

Demi: why? What have she ever done to you? It’s not her fault you’re the least loved person in this world you don’t have to destroy her life too!

Vanessa: No you right I don’t, Joe did that for me *smirks*

Demi: I can’t see how you can be related to me! *looks at her dad* are you sure she’s not adopted?

Brad: *looks down at his food* stop this fighting right now *takes his plate and gets up* and Vanessa I’m expecting you to be nice to Miley, she is apparently going thru a rough time now!

Vanessa: But dad—

Brad: *puts his plate down* no you are going to be nice or I’m cutting your allowance! And do the dishes! *walks out of the kitchen*

Demi: HA! *gets up and walks up to her room*

With Miley

Miley: *lying in her bed crying*

George: *comes in* Hun is you ok? *goes over to her bed and sits down*

Miley: I don’t feel like talking right now dad.

George: I understand, but I got you something that I think will make you feel better...

Miley: *sits up and looks at him*

George: *smiling* come with me*goes out of the room*

Miley: *gets out of bed and follows him downstairs*

George: so ok, this is a two part gift ok?

Miley: ok?

George: *opens the front door*

Miley: *looks out and her eyes whiten and her mouth drops*

George: *sees her face and smiles* do you like it?

Miley: *in shock as she looks at the white BMW E60 5  in the driveway* is that for me?

George: *smiles* yes…

Miley: but why? I can’t drive it for another 4 months*looks at it one more time*

George: well that brings me to the other part*pulls up a little card* I pulled some strings *gives her the card*

 Miley: *looks at* you got me my drives license? But how?

George: *smiles* as I said I pulled some stings, and I know you can drive I have been practicing with you for 3 years

Miley: 3 years dad the first time I drove your car I was like 10..?

George: we don’t talk about that!

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