Chapter 20

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With Miley at the Party (it’s in a big building with karaoke)

Miley: *dancing a table a little drunk*

Jake: *comes over to her* Hi Miley

Miley: *looks down from the table and smiles* Oh hi you *hops down* Jake right?

Jake: Actually it’s Jacob---

Miley: we’ll use Jake *takes his hand* come on dance with me *drags him out on the floor and start dancing with him*

Mitchel: *comes in and grabs a drink goes and sits in one in the couth’s close to the stage starts drinking*

Miley: *when the song is over she kisses his cheek* I want to sing!

Jake: Go up then!

Miley: *smiles and goes up on the stage* (sings Party in the USA)

*when she’s done she gets down and sits in one of the couchs close to the stage*

Mitchel: wow you’re a great singer *looks at her* Miley?

Miley: *looks at Mitchel and smiles* Oh hi Mitch, have you talked to Demi?

Mitchel: Yapp. Have you talked to Joe? 

Miley: Nopp! *takes a drink* cheers for the single life!

Mitchel: *smiles and cheers with her*

Miley: *takes a sip look at Mitchel and kisses him*

Mitchel: *puts his hand on her cheek and kisses her back slides his thong over her lip asking for entrance*

Miley: *opens her mouth and lets his tongue slide in her mouth as she gets on top of him in the couch*

Mitchel *making out with her puts his hands on her waist*

Miley: *rubs herself against him while making out with him*

Jake: *comes over* Can I sit here?

Miley: *pulls away from Mitchel and smiles* sure you can Jake, Mitchel this is Jake, Jake this is Mitchel

Mitchel *gives him a nod still has his hands on mileys waits*

Jake: *smiles* so Miley is this your Bf?

Miley: this*looks at Mitchel* no... He's just a friend.

Jake: *raises an eyebrow* doesn’t look like just a friend

Miley: well can I have some fun with a friend?

Jake: Sure, do what you want…

Miley: *smiles* thank you *looks at Mitchel again and leans in and kisses him, pulls away* Mitch can I sleep at you place tonight? Dad thinks I’m at Demi's

Mitchel: sure*smiles and leans in and kisses her again*

Later that night at Mitchel house (Sex scene)

Miley: *moaning* Faster!!!

Mitchel *goes in and out of her faster breathing heavy*

Miley: *feels herself coming* OH GOD!!!!!

Mitchel *kisses her neck goes in and out of her harder and faster hitting her spot every time*

Miley: *moaning  load, as she comes presses her nails in to his back*

Mitchel *goes even harder as he feels himself coming moaning as well*

Miley: *lays her head back at his pillow and breath out heavy* wow… *looks at Mitchel*where are you parents?

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