Chapter 8

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When they get to school

Miley: *walks in*

Selena: *walks up to then* wow Miley you look great, I think your new look is really fitting you.

Miley: *glares at her* I would walk away right now I where you!

Selena: fine, I’ll see you in class*walks of*

Miley: god I hate that girl!

Demi: *giggles* yeah I know you do *looks up and spots Mitchel leaning in over a girl making out with her*

Miley: *looks up and sees him too* Oh no he isn’t! *walks over and drags the girl away*

Demi: *runs after her* no Miles just let it go…!

Miley: NO! *looks at Mitchel* what the fuck are you? Do you think its cool going around kissing every girl you see?

Mitchel: *standing there looking at them* huh?

Miley: are you that stupid? 2 days ago you kissed Demi and today you are standing here making out with a new girl what is your problem?

Mitchel: well that girl is my girlfriend and that’s why I pulled away from you Demi…. So…

Miley: Oh, so you think it’s ok to just go and cheat on your girlfriends?

Demi: Miley just let it go!

Miley: NO! *looks at Mitchel* well?

Mitchel: no that’s why I was in such a hurry to go, I want and told her what happened

Miley: oh… well that doesn’t make it right!

Mitchel: I know and I’m sorry*looks at Demi* I really am!

Miley: *slaps him* don’t look at her when I am talking to you!

Demi: *gasps*

Joe: *comes up behind her puts his hands on her waist and drags her a little away* why is it that every time I see you, you are doing something you shouldn’t?

Miley: because you’re stalking me maybe?

Joe: I am so not *turns her around looking her up and down* I like what you are wearing, did you get dressed up for me?

Miley: *smiles* really…. I mean… its whatever just something I threw on, I was I a hurry…

Joe: sure *smiles* so can I get a kiss?

Miley: No! Where in school.

Joe: so?

Miley: My opinions may have changed, but not the fact that I'm right.

Joe: huh?

Miley: we can’t be together Joe.

Joe: why?

Miley: you know why!

Joe: no I don’t?

Miley: do I have to repeat what I told you yesterday because I will!

Joe: *mumbles* Twenty-Four hour bitchness much!

Miley: oh shut up Jonas *turns around and grabs Demi’s that is still standing there just looking at Mitchel hurt and drags her in to the bathroom* are you ok?

Demi: *feeling a little broken since this was her first crush* I don’t know…

Miley: *hugs her* Mitchel is an ass!

Demi: *hugs her back* why would he kiss me if he has a girlfriend?

Miley: because guys are like pigs they stink but taste good as hell.

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