Chapter 15

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With Miley

Miley: *walks in to class and over to the Teacher* hi, I need to switch seats I have a personal problem with Joe!

Teacher: I think we can fix that *smiles*

With Joseph

Joe: *walks in to class and goes over to his seat*

Teacher: *comes in* today we are doing something new, we are having a new teacher for the day *walks over and sits next to Joe.

Joe: emmm, this is Miley’s seat...

Miley: *walks in and goes to the front* hi today I’m you teacher and I’m going to teach you bastards!

Joe: *looks at Miley and then puts his head down at his desk*

Miley: *sees it and goes over and slaps his head* No sleeping in my class

Joe: *feels his head* OW, you’re a teacher now you can hit me, it's illegal!

Miley: sue me!*walks back to the front of the class*

Joe: *sighs*

Miley: ok guys in this school are stupid assholes that need to learn how to treat I girl. For example if a girl plays with a guy’s hair and not on purpose makes the comb get stuck the guy doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night messing up the girl’s hair!

Joe: *raises his hand*

Miley: what Joe?

Joe: can I go to the bathroom?

Miley: No!

Joe: but---

Miley: I said NO! As long as I have you in my class you’re freaking sitting with your ass on that chair!

Joe: fine but then I have something to say!

Miley: ok?

Joe: *stands up* you’re the angriest person I have ever met, you need to get your life together and stop being an ass to everything around you, and don’t you see that the only thing you can be is a mean person? Do you think people likes getting yelled at? It’s like you don’t have a feeling in your body.

Miley: *gets tears in her eyes looks over at Joseph with really hurt eyes* well then if that’s what you feel why can’t you just stay the hell away from me and stop messing with the feelings that I don’t have *whips a tear that fell out and turns around and walks out of class*

Joe: *looks down at the teacher* that was a little to mean wasn’t it?

Teacher: you think?

Joe: can I go after her?

Teacher: the teacher just left the classroom, what do you usually to do when the teacher leaves?

Joe: *walks out*

Teacher: that was what I thought...

Miley: *sitting outside the classroom with her hands around her knees crying*

Joe: *knees down to her* Lee, I’m sorry.

Miley: go away.

Joe: *strokes her wet cheek* I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean that. I was way out of line

Miley: yes you were.

Joe: *lifts her cheek up* can you please forgive me? I’m not an ass I’m just not used to being with a girl like you.

Miley: *mumbles* yeah a girl with no feelings

Joe: Lee, come on I said I was sorry.

Miley: I know, and I’m sorry to. I know I’m a bitch and I know I’m mean all the time, it’s just that’s me, I can’t just stop being me

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