Chapter 31

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With Miley

Miley: you know working shirtless is really out!

James: You don't seem to mind?

Miley: oh shut up married guy!

James: Right back at yeah! you can't seem to take your eyes of off me.

Miley: I only looked at you just now because you have some dirt in your face

James: *smiles and whipes his face with his shirt* do I have any now?

Miley: no?

James: Then why can you still not keep your eyes off of me?

Miley: *looks away*

James: *chuckles* just admit it, you think I’m hot. Don’t worry I won’t tell, its normal to fall for an older guy.

Miley: Joe is older too!

James: 2 years? And look at how much you guys fight. You have an older brain and most 16 years old

Miley: *smiles* really?

James: *nods* your smart, you have the looks to be older then you are, you can talk for yourself something that most 16 year olds have problems with.

Miley: *blushes*

James: Why are you blushing?

Miley: *bites her lip and looks down* I’m not used to hear so much positive things about me, normally it’s just negative things

James: *lifts her cheek*

Miley: *looks up in to his eyes*

Mitchel: *comes around the corner* Hey Miles.

Miley: *pulls away and turns around fast* oh Hi Mitch, what are you doing here?

Mitchel: I’m here to fix your car..*smiles*

Miley: oh yeah. *looks at James* thanks for the talk *goes to her car with Mitchel*

Mitchel: *opens the hood and looks around*

Miley: I’ll be right back. *runs in to her house and gets Demi’s camera and runs out again* Come on Mitch takes some pictures with me *smiles and drags him close to her*

A few minutes later

Mitchel: so what do you want for your birthday?

Miley: noting

Mitchel: oh come on everyone wants something!

Miley: fine I want to have sex on the hood of my car.

Mitchel *smirks* sorry can’t help you there

Miley: didn’t plan on it.

Mitchel *slams her hood shut* I think its ok now why don’t you try it?

Miley: *gets in the car and starts it* Wow not a sound*gets out* thank you*smiles*

Mitchel that’s what friends does.*takes up a joint and lights it*

Miley: what are you doing?

Mitchel: oh, fuck you where still here I forgot. Emmm please don’t tell Dem. I know you hate secrets but we are really good now.

Miley: *sighs and takes the joint and throws it away* fine I won’t tell if you stop!

Mitchel: thank you and I will*smiles*

Miley: good, but I have to go, I’ll see you around*gets in the car again*

Mitchel: *gets in his car and drives off*

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