Chapter 2

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With Miley at her dads house

Miley: *walks in* Dad? Jen?

Jen: *walks to the entrees* Oh hi Miley *smiles and looks at her bags* did you and your mom have another fight?

Miley: well, yeah don’t we always?

Jen: *feels sorry for her* why don’t you go put your bags in your room and ill find some fresh fruit ?*smiles comforting*

Miley: *smiles* thanks Jen *runs upstairs*

Jen: *walks in to the Kitchen*

with Demi

Demi: *looks out the window and sees the lights at the neighbors bedroom go on* Damn, now they had a new fight. *shakes her head*

back with Miley and Jennifer

Jen: *eating some fruit* so what did you guys fight about this time?

Miley: *takes a piece of pineapple* Mom ruined the new dress you gave me*sad face*

Jen: *mumbles* it was real Gucci *looks at Miley* don’t worry, we can find you something ells

Miley: *smiles* thank you, but is it ok if I go over to Demis House?

Jen: Sure, just be home by 11pm

Miley: sure thing*gets up*

with Joe and Mitchel

Joe: do you want to come with me to V’s house?

Mitchel: emmmm, sorry I cant..

Joe: why?

Mitchel I have to get home

Joe: why?

Mitchel because I promised mom to make dinner today, she had to work late.

Joe: oh, ok.. ill see you tomorrow at school then

With Miley

Miley: *knocks on the door*

Vanessa: *opens smiling* Hi jo…. *smile fades* oh you.

Miley: haha your so not funny. *walks past her*

Vanessa: did I say you could come in?

Miley: no you didn’t *walks up to Demis room*

Vanessa: *mumble* Bitch

Brad: Nessa, be nice Miley is a much sweeter girl then most of your friendSelena

Vanessa: *rolls her eyes* whatever dad!

Brad: don talk back to me like that.

Vanessa: like what?

Brad: like you own this placEmily: If you want to be rude I suggest you move out.

Vanessa: Oh my god, I havnt even done anything! *walks to her room*

With Miley and Demi  

Miley: So tell about Mitchel.. have you talked to him yet?

Demi: No!

Miley: why?

Demi: because

Miley: because why?

Demi: just because ok!?

Miley: fine ill drop it. So have you found any cute guys for me?

Demi: how should I? the only place I have been without you today was here at home

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