Chapter 37

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Mitchel: *gets up* I’m going to take care of this!*get in his car and drive to Demi’s house walks up and knock at the door*

Brad. *opens* oh Hi

Mitchel: *hits him as hard as he can in the face so he falls to the ground*

Brad: *on the ground* what do you want?

Mitchel: *hits him again* this is for being a sucky dad*hits him again* this is for the last 18 years *bends down and talks in the low voice* this is for touching Miley you perv!*kicks him hard in the ribs*

Demi: *comes down the stairs and sees it* Mitchel what are you doing!*runs down the stairs and drags him away bends down to Brad* dad are you ok?

Brad: *smiles* yes sweetie:*puts his hand on her cheek* just give me a second

Mitchel *comes over and kicks his hand away from Demi’s face* don’t touch her you freak!

Demi: *gets up and slaps him* how dare you!

Mitchel *takes her hand* don’t touch me Demi!

Demi: *looks him in the eyes and some tears falls* how could you do this I…. I love you and I was supposed to tell you that today*looks at her dad* and then you do this, what do you feel don’t you love me?

Mitchel: *shrugs away from her and looks at her in disgust* do you really think I could love me own sister?

Demi: *mouth drop* what!???

Mitchel: I played you Demi just like I played Vanessa 4 years ago, all just to get to “dad” over here, that fucker fucked my mom while being married to your mom by the way that probably why she left you guys, then when he found out about me, he tried to make my mom get rid of me, he told her he would pay for it, but if she kept me he wouldn’t give her a dime!*looks down at Brad* But here I am standing looking down at  your sorry little face and do you know what. I’m so fucking glad I have nothing to do with a fucker like you. This thing today was just the top of the cake now it’s my turn to show you what my life has been like*walks to the door* oh if you go to the cops I will tell them about today. Be careful whose toes you step on today they might be connected to the foot that kicks your ass tomorrow!*walks out of the house get in his car and drives off*

Demi: *looks at Brad* Dad… *tears rolling down her cheeks* please tell me this isn’t true

Brad: *sits up* I’m sorry Hun…*looks down* but it is, Mitchel is my son

Demi: *more tears streaming down* why didn’t you tell me?

Brad: Who could I? Hi girls you have a brother! I didn’t want you guys in his life and I tried as hard as I could for you not to be, but his the same age as Nessa and then it’s really hard.

Demi: *whips her tears away* and what about the other thing he said about today, what was that?

Brad: Emmmm, I asked him to stay away from you...

Demi: *gets up* I can’t look at you right now! *goes up to her room crying*

With Joe and Miley.

Joe: what were you doing down here anyway?

Miley: *get off his lap and takes his hand and walks down to the beach with him* I was going to wait for you to come find me

Joe: *standing behind her wraps his arms around her* I will always find you.*kisses her head*

Miley: *looks up at him* I know you will.

Joe: *turns her around and kisses her then pulls away* you have to go to the police about this

Miley: *shakes her head* no I can’t… his Demi’s dad!

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