Zoey:"You seem to be finding everything I say so interesting. I don't get it. I'm just a boring. Normal teenager just getting through life the only way I can."

Landon:"You might be boring to some. And a normal teenager to others. But to me. Your special. And I love hearing you talk about what you love to do. You think your just a teenager getting through life. I see a beautiful angel with broken wings trying to find her way back home.The most beautiful sight I could ever lay my eyes on. But at the same time. Someone that I feel compelled to hold. To talk to. And to hear you laugh makes me happy. Your beautiful Zoey. I like you. A lot. And I'm just scared of everything I say or do. That one wrong move and I could lose my chance to tell you how amazing you are. You always sit by yourself or your always with Ashleigh. You never really give anyone else the time of day. You think your always in the shadows.Staying out of the light. But I always see you. I always notice you.I have since I transferred here. Girls would try and get with me.Hell even the guys would try to be my friend just to use my status in Social media and online entertainment. But I don't care about them.Hell even my friend Harry made a move on me. That was a real eyeopener."

I couldn't help but roar out with laughter. Everyone in the school knew Harry was gay. He was bullied a little bit but after talking to Latsky and Power about it all. I heard he had a lot more confidence in being himself. I heard he idolises the two teachers. Wanting to grow up and be happy like they were. Most people wanted to make the most money out of a career. Or others just wanted to study and learn all that they could. Harry just wanted to be happy with the man he loves.

Zoey:"I bet you would have felt strange at first."

Landon:"It was pretty funny actually. Once he realised I was straight he started apologising so much. He almost never spoke to me again until I confronted him about it last week. I pulled him in and hugged him and told him that I didn't care. I think you would really like him.He's like you. Just wanting to stay in the shadows and not attract attention. I feel bad being who I am. I love YouTube and all that.But. The sense of Authority that people think I have just because I'm on par with our teachers for social status. It sucks at times. I don't even have to ask for a pen if mine runs out of ink because one is already on the table in front of me before I even realise something is going on. That's another reason why I like you. I get to be a normal kid again. I'm only 18. I shouldn't be like that. I should still be living life. Having fun. And I get to be that with you. That's just another reason as to why I feel like I'm falling for you. Your special and unique and so beautiful. But your also normal.And I don't know if you can see how fucking incredible that makes you. Everyone wants to be special. And they can be. But with you. I just want to hold your hand and treat you like the princess you are."

I could tell he was getting emotional. It was like he was letting out all the words he had been keeping inside of him. Like he had been holding back and just wanted to be himself. But I guess when thousands of people know you are. And millions know your cousin who is also your teacher. I don't think you would be allowed to be a"normal" person. I looked up and saw him looking at me nervously.He saw me and I watched his smile widen.

Zoey:"You don't hear it often enough for men. But you look beautiful when you smile Landon. Don't ever let that fall."

Landon:"Ha. You don't hear that often for a guy. We need to be masculine and protect woman all the time."

Zoey:"Well then stop thinking like that. I can handle myself. And I'm going to tell you how pretty and beautiful you look. And considering you look really comfortable tonight. I'd say your enjoying yourself."

I watched him reach over and grab my hand. Holding it tight in his own.He lifted my hand up and kissed the top of my hand. I couldn't help but giggle a little at him. He was so scared and nervous. I guess when your too busy focusing on the person in front of you. You don't really pay attention to anything else around you. I could feel a surge of confidence run through me. As I took my hand out of his. He looked up at me a little shocked before I leaned in. Slowly and softly letting my lips meet his. It was only quick. Barely a second before I pulled back and looked down. Wringing my hands together.


I heard him get up until I saw him standing in front of me. His handout. I grabbed it hesitantly as he pulled me up. Pulling me into his embrace. He held me there gently before slowly leaning in. I met him half way. Our lips colliding and it was beautiful. My first real kiss at 18. And it just so happen to be with the sweetest boy I could meet. I'm kind of glad now that he moved to our school. I probably never would have met him. Once we had pulled apart. Our hands swaying gently at our sides. His in mine. We were ushered into the cinema and we found our seats. He chose one that was relatively in the middle yet far enough up the back that we weren't craning our neck skyward just to see the screen. He was so sweet and gentle. As if calculating every move he made.



He started to softly and slowly play with my hair. Stroking the length of my hair to my shoulders.

Zoey:"Your beautiful Landon."

Landon:"And your precious. I hope your enjoying yourself."

Zoey:"Yeah. I am. Thank you."

SidePack and friends One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon