Chapter 27

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When morning arrived I felt safe and warm. I rolled over, rolling into a very furry side. The furry thing moaned and moved, making me fall onto my side onto the cool ground. I jumped up with a slight start before remembering I was lying against Tyler from last nights ordeal. I looked at his half awake eyes as he stared at me with a slow, large yawn he stood up and stretched.

It was then when I realized all the blood on his fur was now long ago dried up, covering his paws, chest, face. If he looked that bad I can imagine what kind of sight I would be if he was looking at me. 

'How are you feeling today?' He asked as he nudged my side. I sighed, stretching my paws across the ground.

A click from my bones was the only sound as I stood back up to meet his dark gaze. 

'Feeling great actually. I don't know why though.' I answered truthfully. It was true, I felt so good this morning, even after having to fight last night.

He gave me a toothy smile. 'Good, you should be feeling more and more better as the time goes by and your 'revenge' is done. I know I did after I got my own revenge on the people that hurt me.' He said, a very serious look now crossing into his eye's. My heart stopped for a moment. This was the feeling that I get after I killed someone?

'It's like a burden slowly lifting off your shoulders, the faster we get back at the people who have caused a great disturbance in your life the faster you'll feel free. Like nothing can stop you...But are you able to tell me now...about what had happened before you became a tiger spirit.' He pleaded. I looked down at the ground, finding the flattened grass very interesting suddenly.

'I guess I can tell you now. You've helped me in so many ways.' I whispered as I laid back down on the soft ground, it was still raining lightly, the odd drop falling from between the leaves Tyler had put up last night to keep us dry. 

I started to search within my mind, where I would start to explain to him. 

'I started walking home one night, I noticed a group of guys were following closely behind me, I had hurried my steps as I saw my house, and just as I got on the porch to search for my key they grabbed me, I was dragged away from my own home. I managed to get away a few times, screaming down my neighbourhood...yet no one came. Eventually they caught me again and dragged me back to a white van where they...they started cutting into me, starting with my face and then...' I felt myself panting as the vivid memories came back to haunt me. But I continued, nearly forgetting Tyler by my side.'There was so much blood, then they dumped my body in the woods, thinking I was dead. The coyotes were out and searching for their next meal. I blacked out before they started their feeding frenzy, all I know is that afterwards I woke up chained to a bed, a man was on the couch...he was awizard, he brought me back before my soul left the Earth, he kept me as a prisoner until I lost it one day and managed to kill him. Then I met you and here we stand.' I snapped back to reality, my body was shaking. 

'Shhh! Relax, it's over and done, no one can hurt you now.' He purred, feeling his chest viberate against my head. I nodded and just relaxed against him.

'I don't know if this hunger for revenge will ever stop, I don't like it and I want to get back at those men as soon as possible.' I whimpered looking into his bright blue eyes, that glowed ever so slightly with the tilt of his, giving them a small yellowish glow. 

The rain started to pick up again, deciding that we were comfy where we were we stayed there the entire night and day, only getting up for a quick bathroom break, no food, just the sound of water falling down lightly. 


A week had passed since the incident, I was always looking back at it, remembering every scream the men let out, all because of me. In some ways I regretted killing them, but at the same time I had stopped them from dealing drugs. The only one I didn't care for was the guy who had hurt me, no matter how much I tried to feel something sad about his murder in my paws, I just couldn't. Instead all I felt was the rage that would suddenly boil deep inside my heart. 

Tyler and me seemed so much closer since that night, we hardly ever left each others sides, we hunted together, staying close to my hometown incase we ran into the other killers, yet I still wasn't having any leads to who they were.

I knew that some day I'd find them, they would regret everything they ever done to me and possibly others, they may just find out about their friend to, I knew the poilce had already found them, it was written in the newspapers and was the biggest talk in the cities and towns around us. 

I just knew from here, everything would be better for me, I had someone who was still here for me, he was my best friend now, we had been through a lot together and I plan on being through more with him. 

I watched as Tyler gave me a sly look and took off in a crazy run, I lunged from my spot on the ground and followed right after him, playing the game of tag with him, I watched as his orange tail whipped around behind him as I tried to catch up, I was a lot more smaller then him, which gave me a adavntage of speed while he had the strength.

With one more final step, I launched myself into the air and tackled him down to the ground, giving him a quick lick on the side of his face.






<3 :'D



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