Chapter 16

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Only a day had passed since I had lived with the tribes people. I already missed it more then my old life, I had found some where I had belonged and felt safe. I was never safe in my old life, look where it had brought me. I'm a tiger now, different is what I am. Never to go back to what I was. Weak, a weak human living in the city.

I had been running in the forest for awhile, until I heard the shrill sound of horns honking and people cursing with my enchanced hearing, it was far but I was able to make a easy run. My heart filled with joy as I now knew I was close to civilization. It was becoming dusk, the sun slowly setting as I waited in the bushes. Waiting and watching everything going around, the smell of fast foods and gas filled my over sensitive nose, a bystander walking with her dog past the forest edge on the side walk had ended up fighting her dog, a large boxer; as it smelt me out, it barked and growled as it pulled it's master to get to me through the brush, the only thing seperating me from view, all I did was sit and watch as the human lady pulled against the dog until she won the battle and continued the walk.

I did know was that I was in a small town that was rather poor, many stray pets walked around looking sick and skinny, even a few children wore rags and were searching trash cans, it made me sick as I watched the people who were more wealthier walk away from these poor sights like it was nothing.

Maybe, being a tiger has brought much inteligence to me to realize how the world really is, how cruel it is yet still loved in it's own sick way.

I was once a human, a teenage girl; wasting my time at parties and drinking booze with friends, never got a job, I had my parents give me my allowance I got from doing chores but that was all. In reality I had done nothing in my life, never understanding what could happen.

I was naive, and stupid and now I was living my mistakes backwards.

The town began to settle down slowly, the dusty background disappearing with the darkness and trees that shadowed the world. I snuck from my spot trying to figure out where I was, if I got some kind of clue I could head back in the right direction. Sneaking along the houses, and small alleys, avoiding contact with humans I eyed my surroundings carefully. Looking for what I needed the most at the moment.

The chattering of the monkeys in the forest echoed along the plains that the houses sat upon, deciding upon climbing onto a house roof top too see if I could find a sign, and get a better look around me. Almost giving up, a spark of hope ignited in me as I caught the corner of a small rectangular sign, pegged into the ground.

Jumping down swifly, I trotted to the sign and read it, at first I didn't understand what it said becuase it was in a different language, but the botom part was in english, probably for tourists to read. 

The sign read:

Paraupe, Brazil, Amazon rainforest path down the road, an arrow pointed bellow the name of the town.

My jaw dropped down, probably making me look funny, or scary to someone randomly walking by, but I was in the amazon rainforest this entire time, running circles to get out for days. My insides started melting as I felt the excitement boil me to an extent of a burst of happiness, I was dancing in joy now that I had figured out hwere I was and where I had to go, I was a step closer.

Each step counted, it brought me closer to what I deemed to reach.

If only I knew which way to go, I needed to get back to my home, which was in Canada. Thoughts ran back through my head on how I got here in the first place...Chad.

He must have teleported us here when he brought my body from the woods and to the amazon?

Damn wizard has to make my life complicated. As if it wasn't complicated as it is. I grumbled to myself as I leaped up onto a older house made out of wood. Peering around I tried figuring out which way was north, after a moments descion I remembered learning in school about this, something to deal with the stars.

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