Part 2

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-Slit my wrist and cut my thighs,

Fake a smile and dry your eyes,

Hate your self and hate your life,

welcome to your world of lies.

-Not everyone who smiles is happy,

-Depression is like sleeping 100 hours and still being tired,

Its like smiling but feeling nothing,

Its like waking up but not wanting to face the day,

Its like you feel empty inside, you dont feel anything but emptiness and pain..

and its very hard to get away from.

-You know that girl?

she has a smile that can brighten up your day right?

she laughs,

she jokes around with her friends,

she works hard at her school work,

and is always there for people when they need them,

So you still think you still know this girl?

truth is;

she is also the girl that cries her self to sleep every night,

she has depression,

she gets abuse at home,

she wears long sleeves so nobody can see her scars and cuts on her wrists,

and feels so alone even with all her friends...

Hey no matter how hard life can get, never forget your not alone in this fight, im here (: ive gone threw ALOT at such a young age :/ things a child should not have gone threw at such a young age but those horrible expierences made me stronger and made me aware of what goes on this world and im going to tell you now! Your not alone in this fight ♥ I love you all, each of you guys and girls are very beautiful and handsome people (: dont ever think different, people will always try to bring you down, dont let them, you have a reason to be on this earth, dont let someone take you away from that reason (:

Selfharm/depressed/Dark poemsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt