"That's funny, because Vic is my new roommate. When I came in he was a total douche, he didn't even talk to me until he told me to leave. That's the reason I'm down here in the first place." I explained to them. They seemed sympathetic to me, but I didn't want their sympathy. I wanted a new roommate.

"Dude, I feel so bad for you. It's even worse because Tony and Jaime are over there all the time too.." Jack started saying, but was interrupted by someone.

"How come you two can never keep our names out of your mouth?" A guy with brown hair that was covered by a snap back, brown eyes, gauges, tattoos, and a piercing on his left cheek. He was wearing a cutoff and skinny jeans. What's up with everyone and skinny jeans around here?

He was with another guy that has skunk hair like Jack, but not as tall, brown eyes, and two sleeve tattoos. He was wearing a Love Before Glory shirt with black skinny jeans. They were both pretty buff, so needless to say I wouldn't be getting in their way anytime soon.

"We were just informing our new friend here about the douche bags on campus, and we couldn't forget three most important ones now could we?" Alex said to them. He didn't seem scared at all, but I don't know how. They both looked like the type of guys my mom warned me about.

"Oh yeah, you're Vic's new roommate. You know, we could be pretty good friends, but since you're hanging out with these pricks you ruined your chance. Just stay out of our way or there'll be problems. Got it?" The second guy said to me. I was taken back, did I really want to be friends with these guys in the first place?

“I swear if you so much as breath on him there's gonna be problems. Do you got it? Besides, you wouldn't want a repeat of last time would you?" Jack said. He seemed to be challenging them. Wait, did I miss something here? I think their hate for each other runs a lot deeper than just different attitudes and personalities.

"Whatever. Come on Tone, let's get out of here." The second guy said. With that they walked back into the hallway, leaving Alex, Jack, and I alone once more.

"Don't worry about them, just stay away from them and you'll be fine. They're not worth your time, trust me. They're bad news." Jack explained to me. I don't think I'll have a problem listening to his advice. I want no part of those three whatsoever.

"Thanks guys, I appreciate it." I told them sincerely. They were being really nice to me, I wasn't expecting anyone to give two shits that I was here, let alone protect me from the bad guys. As mainstream as that sounds, it's true.

"No problem man, anything for a friend." Alex told me.

For the rest of the time we just got to know each other a little better. I learned that they were from Baltimore, they have another friend Rian I have to meet, and that they've been dating for about 2 years. They also used to be in a band, but they broke up because one of the members committed suicide.

I also found out why Jack, Alex, and Rian hate Vic, Tony, and Jaime, who I just found out the same of, so much, and vice versa. 2 years ago one of their best friends, Zack, the guy that committed suicide, was dating this girl. Well, she cheated on Zack with Tony, and eventually left Zack for him once he found out. They dated for like 1 year and 7 months when she left Zack, he was so heartbroken, and he ended up committing suicide. After he died, Alex and the other two harassed Zack's old girlfriend until she left the campus, and that created a huge brawl between the six. Alex and his group ended up winning, and they've hated each other ever since.

I was in total shock. No wonder why they hate each other so much, I would too if one of my best friends committed suicide.


Around 9:00 I went back to my dorm room. As I entered the room, Vic was sitting on his end and it looked like he was working on his homework. He had the big light off and just had his bedside-table lamp on.

You Stole My Heart With Your Diamond Blue Eyes (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now