Serene, of course, had the famous Castle in it. Leon was surprised to see that Avolin was indeed the only Nation of that side of the planet.

All the other countries were on the other side. The map called it the Solar Side. All the countries, except Avolin and one other small island called Belphagor. Avolin was on the Lunar Side, but Belphagor was between the two sides.

'So, that explains why I only ever see the moons and never the sun.' Leon thought then. 'It also explains why the moons only stay for 12 hours... Since Avolin, on the Lunar Side only gets the moons, then by that logic, Belphagor, which is on the border between the sides, should get both the sun and the moons. Like Earth.'

From what he'd read, Avolin was established by Wizards who were run out of their countries.


Long ago, Wizards were regarded as filth. The Elves, who possessed more powerful Magic, considered them at the bottom of the food chain. The Wizards were primarily used as slaves for the Elves. Eventually, the Wizards began to fight back against the oppression. They were able to gain their freedom and lived as they chose.

Unfortunately, the Elves were upset that the Wizards had succeeded with gaining freedom. So, the Elves started to kill the rebellious Wizards. Soon, they were almost wiped out. They were pushed even further down and forced to become slaves again in order to preserve their lives.

One of the Wizard families, the Avolins, decided that fighting for their freedom again wouldn't work. The Wizards needed to escape.

The Avolins leaded the small remaining group of Wizards on a perilous journey across the Solar Side. The Elves kept coming after them, making their already small group even smaller. Their group had reduced to 50 by then.

Serenen Avolin, the elder of the Avolin family didn't want for anyone else to die, so he lead the Wizards towards the BadLands.

It was a good idea, because the Elves valued their own lives too much to enter the Demon filled territory. Thus the Wizards were truly free at last.

Of course, they couldn't stay in the BadLands. None of them were strong enough to fight the Demons. Especially, since they were not used to using their Magic.

Serenen made another risky choice then. The Wizards were going to leave the BadLands and journey towards the Lunar Side.

It was a crazy idea at first, but the others came around to the idea after consistent Demon attacks.

Their journey proved a good idea. They established themselves on the Lunar Side. Eventually building a Kingdom and naming Serenen as their first King.

Serenen decided to call the newly established Kingdom Avolin and he took the name Saigan De Lune, which meant 'Savior of the Moon'.

From then on, the De Lune family lead the Kingdom towards prosperity.


Leon always felt overwhelmed when he learned something new about this alien planet.

'It's funny... It is an alien planet, but I feel as though I know it somehow...'

"Hey," Leon blinked and looked at Kari as she and Zing entered the dining room. She had a look on her face that was halfway between anger and sadness.

"Vice Admiral." The Princess approached Kari. Kari knelt onto one knee and placed her fist against her heart. "Please stand." Kari did so. "Zing explained everything to you, correct? Tell us... What is on your mind?"

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