"Your equation for achieving transwarp beaming," Spock Prime replied before standing up as Scott took his place.

"Get out of it," He mumbles looking at the screen, "Imagine that. It never occurred to me to think of space as the thing that was moving."

"You're coming with us, right?" Jim asked Spock Prime coming up behind him.

"No, Jim. That is not my destiny," Spock Prime replied turning around to face him.

Jim just stared at him in disbelief, "Your dest... He... the other Spock is not going to believe me. Only you can explain what's gonna happen."

"Under no circumstances, can he be aware of my existence. You must promise me this," Spock Prime replied.

"You're telling me I, I can't tell you that I'm following your own orders. Why not? What happens?" Jim asked him worriedly.

"Jim, this is one rule you cannot break. To stop Nero, you alone must take command of your ship," Spock Prime explained urgently.

"How? Over your dead body?" Jim asked him sarcastically.

"Preferably not. However, there is Starfleet regulation six-one-nine. Six-one-nine states that any command officer who's emotionally compromised by the mission at hand, must resign said command," Spock Prime informed him of what Jim already knew.

"So...so you're saying that I have to emotionally compromise you...guys?" Jim asked him just to clarify what he was saying.

"Jim, I just lost my planet. I can tell you, I am emotionally compromised," Spock Prime replied with sadness in his tone, "What you must do is get me to show it."

"Aye then, Laddie. Live or die, let's get this over with," Scott called out to Jim who with one last look at Spock Prime walked on the beaming pads beside Mr. Scott.

Keenser attempted to get on as well but Scott gently pushes him back, "You cannae come with me. Go on."

"You're coming back in time, changing history, it's cheating," Jim says to Spock Prime

"A trick I learned from an old friend," Stepping back Spock Prime retreated to the transporter console beside Keenser.

He raised one hand, the fingers separated into pairs, "Live long and prosper," He tells Jim before he and Scott beam away.

Spock Prime watches them go before looking down at the green alien who whimpers in sadness as his friend is gone.

As the Enterprise flies through space at warp speed, Jim beams aboard in the engine room.

"Mister Scott!" He yells looking around the room smiling because it worked.

A pounding sound came from inside a vat beside Jim. The smile slides off his face as he turns around to look at it before realizing Mr. Scott is in there. He jumps over to it and presses his ear against the metal, "Mister Scott, can you hear me?"

Jim looks up as the vat makes a gurgling noise and inside a clear pipe attached to the vat Mister Scott appears looking at Jim in panic,"Uh... uh.. hold on a second! Oh no. Don't worry I... Oh. No, no!"

Jim chases after Scott's pipe route seeing it takes him directly to a spinning turbine area. He looks around and quickly finds a computer to open the release valve.

"Turbine release valve activated," A computer voice announces.

Jim looks over at the valve as it opens and Mister Scott comes falling to the floor with the water.

"You alright? You alright?" Jim asks running over to him and helping him sit up.

Scott spits up water and starts coughing before he answers, "My heads buzzing, and I'm soaked, but otherwise I'm fine!" He replies ecstatic that the beaming had worked.

A Relentless Pursuit (Star Trek: Jim Kirk/OC)Where stories live. Discover now