Chapter 2: Dinner..with him:)

Start from the beginning

He was with an older girl who had dark brown hair, like Mr. Bennett but Mr. Bennett was starting to go bald. She was a little taller than Thomas and has hazel coloured eyes. She was wearing jeans and a black jacket. Thomas was also with two other kids. A boy that looked about Skylar's age or maybe a year younger and another little girl who would have only been eight or nine. I continued walking down and just as I was about to reach the bottom, my eyes locked with Thomas' again. Ah, he was beautiful. Next thing I notice mum is introducing and hugging everyone very enthusiastically. I sarcastically cross my arms and frown as I watch her torture me by hugging Thomas as well as his siblings and parents.

I stood at the bottom of the stairs just listening to the laughs and chatter amongst everyone. I noticed that Thomas was watching me. Finally mum announced something to everyone.

"So, Bennett family, this is Indigo and this is Skylar. 'Indigo is sixteen and Skylar is fourteen, but we're missing another!"

We smiled at everyone who smiled back. Mum continued. 

"And I'm Julia Denning's and this is my husband Andy."

The Bennett's smiled at us and I could tell Mrs. Bennett was ready to speak about her family.

"This is Emily, she is nineteen, Thomas or Tom if you like, who is Indigo's age, sixteen, ah, this is Brendan who is also fourteen turning fifteen and this is Manny who is nine."

Just as I predicted.

"And I'm Marry Bennett, and this is Michael Bennett."

Everyone smiled at each other and our mothers gestured for us kids to talk to each other. Emily went straight to her sister Manny and Skylar and Brendan nervously walked up to each other. So now it was just me and Tom. He walked up to me first. My heart is slowly sinking, like the titanic I thought. 

Here he comes!

"Hey, he said, extremely, I mean extremely calmy but cooly. 

Hmmmmm, his voice was so breath taking. I couldn't speak. I was just hoping I wasn't drooling. 

I observed his once more before saying hey back. He licked one of his teeth before wiping his mouth again, just like he did earlier. I knew it wasn't a wipe because he might have had crumbs in the corners of his mouth, it was something else. . . . .

"Hey!" I replied quite good, I was proud of myself! I didn't sound anxious or stupid. 

"Wanna sit down?" He asked, grinning, twisting his earring in his fingers. 

"Why don't we all sit down?" Mum asked, gesturing to the table. 

Everyone agreed in a hungry manner. We all sat down and started to talk.......... 

I think I had my confidence now so it was me that started the conversation again. 

"So, I started, 'do you know what school your going to start at?" I looked at him, my fingers rolling over each other.

"No, not yet." He smiled.

"O-ohh, okay," I replied. 

This is getting to weird now and I was fidgeting and not to mention started speaking really fast. 

"Don't you think your hot? I mean, don't you think it's hot? Ha......" 

He looked at me and grinned. 

"Nah, not really but if you're hot then you can go outside if you want?" 

"Umm......I didn't know what to say.'No, I all cool now, not hot, yeah..."

Oh my gosh, this was so embarrassing oh, wait, BLONDIE!! I had to ask who she was. 

"So where's, uh, didn't she uhh, come?" 

"Who?" Tom replied, raising one eyebrow. 

"Uh, uh. I couldn't stop stuttering.'Your.  .. . .. ."

But mum cut me off. 

"Dinner!" She called, bringing the serving plates down to the table. 

We both looked up but I was still looking at him in the corner of my eye, grinning to myself. 

Thomas was sitting at the end of the table and I was sitting diagonally/opposite to him. So I was practically next to him. 

Everyone passed down the plates. Thomas had the chicken platter. He went to place a piece down on his place but started:

"Oh, here I will serve you first."

And he placed it down on my plate.

Ahhhh, I thought to myself. He is very gentleman like hehe and now my chicken has been touched by his plate! I was grateful for something so small like that!

I told myself to just breathe and be myself because, isn't what guys like way better than fake plastics? I didn't know but I just stared at my vegetables and then changed my glance to watch Thomas eat.

Ahhh, I love the way he ate!

"So he said, 'you should, uh, come over to my house one day."

Why did he say, uh, like that? I frowned in thought. But YAY!! He's going to invite me over!? 

"Yeah that would be cool," I added, before chewing on some corn. 

Everyone had finished and mum collected the plates, with Mr. and Mrs. Bennett offering to help. They really seemed to enjoying their company with mum and dad. 

Suddenly the door creaked open and everyone looked up. It was Jayden and 'Claire.'

"Oh, my mother started, 'this is my other son, Jayden, and his girlfriend, Claire."

They waved to everyone, who waved back. 

"Do you want something to eat?" Mum asked. 

"Uh, nah, we had dinner already, nice meeting you all."

And he walked upstairs, Claire's hand in his. Oh how I wanted to hold Thomas' hand like that!

Mum decided to get out the second cream cake and everyone started their conversations again. 

"Where do you get your black hair from?" I asked him. 

He gave a small grin and I saw it. There was a small point on one of teeth. Gee it looked sharp, he must have been born like that. 

"Uh, I don't know actually, he said, grinning."

"Because it's beautiful, I mean. . . black, yes very dark...."


I slapped myself across my face. 

He was still grinning at my previous words.

"Why did you slap yourself?"

"Oh, um, mozzie, there was a mozzie on my face, yeah."

"Oh," he said, smiling.

After half an or so, after everyone finished their cake, the Bennett's decided to leave. They thanked mum and dad for dinner and we all said goodbye to each other. 

"So I suppose I will cya tomorrow," Thomas said, running his had through his beautiful black hair.

"Yeah, can't wait."

And with that he leant over to me and gave me a hug. I grinned and hugged him back and I think it lasted for a while, I wouldn't be surprised if he was dying of being crushed or suffocated by me. I gave the rest of his family a hug. They were really, really nice. I knew that our's and there family would become good friends.  


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