"Oh, is that the Niall Horan lad?" he asked then she hummed 'yes' and chuckle "Why don't he tattoo it himself?" he asked in amusement "Because he's Niall." Tori and I answered in unison then burst into fits of laughter again.

"I wanna have it anyways, especially over my middle finger so I can flip them off when they asked me to let them see it." she said seriously while laughing making him chuckle in amusement.

"And the third one?" he asked as Tori handed him her quote that I've written for her " 2 inch wide but 2 centimeter long, here in my left inner bicep." she said then Quen hummed and transferred my writing over her left inner bicep.

"How's Chase by the way?" he asked looking like he knows about Chase's plan to propose to my sister "Still dumb as fuck but made a right decision for once with his oh so fucking chaotic life." Tori said in amusement and disbelief.

"Randomly?" he asked guessing then Tori shrugged as he started inking her tattoos while she's not flinching nor grimacing from pain knowing that she has a high tolerance from it but she's not staring at the needle scraping her skin.

"Yeah, rooftop. Alone time, probably a sappy speech. Buy hey! It made my Gemmy Bear said 'yes' to him." she said genuinely happy with out older siblings "You should have taped it!" Quen said "Randomly bro, he proposed out of nowhere. Such a pro, why does men loves giving us women heart attacks? I have no idea." she said rolling her eyes at me causing me to chuckle.

"You'll just be shock that one day someone will do the same, hope you don't get hospitalize." Quen said jokingly "I'm glad the hospitalization scene didn't happened." she muttered making me palm my face and stifle a laugh.

"I've heard about Brooke, that fucker seriously crossed the line. The rest of us already warned him that he'll just get himself in some serious trouble, they transfer him into rehab back in New York though. None of us knows that he has a severe ADHD and abusing his prescribed meds, and they performed a reconstruction surgery for his nose." he said then wince and let out a 'tsk' sound causing me to sit up this time.

"Reconstruction surgery for his nose?!" Tori and I asked in horror "Yeah, the air headed bubble dick broke his nose badly and none of us knows where the fuck did he get that. They said it's just from a self defence but he looks like a truck hit him hard on face." he said with amused tone.

"What the hell woman?" he asked Tori in amusement "That's not me bro, I know self-defense but my mind was so clogged and barely thinking straight that time." she said defensively then turned to me with horror, disbelief and amused all at once.

"I guess I just lose myself for a bit." I muttered feeling kind of guilty but never regret anything making Quen turn to me with his eyes widen funny "Dude, you should have ended him. Every single one of us will cover you up." he said seriously in disbelief causing Tori to flick on his forehead.

"Get back to work! Geez, don't turn my man into a killer!" she scolded in horror "I'm just saying you know, that mother fucker is a creep and he's been stalking you ever since the fashion week years back." he said defensively then shrugged and get back to work.

"So Reese got herself a man, aye? Macy the dick Winston is so sad." he said in amusement as I remembered Macy the organizer of the car race and Chase's friend "Yep, she's Reese. She can swoon any lad she got an interest, and she's more than interested to Li. That's for sure." Tori said in amusement making us chuckle.

"And so are you, but we really thought you're not into boys before that's why you barely let any boys go near you unless you see them as brothers." he said causing us to laugh "Me either, I thought I'm not into boys to be honest. It's weird, I swear I just found out that I really am not." she said jokingly as I laugh sarcastically this time and Quen laugh even more then finishing up her wolf tattoo.

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