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(Harry's P.O.V.) 

"Oh come on! He's not that that cool!" I argued making her burst into fits of laughter "Yes he is! My brother used to be the team captain of the football back in our old school." She said while laughing.

It's already past 10 in the evening and we're now done drinking but still sober up.

"Where am I going to sleep?" she asked causing me to frown and stood up then grab my coat.

I hold her left hand then lead the way up to the second floor passing by the first floor.

Once we reached the door, I open it then enter my room with her.

I close the door then locked it and grab her stuffs from her hand and put it on the side of the nightstand, I look back to her straight to her eyes through her glasses.

"You're going to sleep with me nerdy." I said then put my phone, keys, wallet and stuffs over the nightstand.

She shrugged then walk straight to the balcony door and open it, she walked out as I sighed deeply then walk my way to the nightstand and open the drawer.

I grab the small black velvet box then close the drawer and tucked it in my pocket behind, I tried to calm myself down then followed her to the balcony and saw her sitting in the middle while staring up in the dark sky filled with stars and taking a picture of it with her phone.

I chew my bottom lip then take a sit beside her and take a deep breath, turned to her making her turn to me too with a beautiful smile plastered across her face.

"I have question." I said nervously making her eyebrows furrowed "What question?" she asked looking straight to my eyes and I feel my heart beating way too fast as I sighed deeply. 

Ask her dork! 

No! She'll freak out! 

Fuck you, it is the reason why you bring her here anyways! 

"Wanna hear a very serious thing?" I asked breathing out causing her to frown and giggle adorably "Sure." She said as I gulped nervously.

"Knock, knock." I said then she frowned and shrugged "Who's there?" she answered as then run my tongue over my lips.

"Marry." I said making her furrowed her eyebrows "Are you making jokes about my mum's name again?" she asked in disbelief "No!" I said defensively making her giggle adorably.

"Marry, who?" she asked as I feel my heart is about to burst out from my chest.

"Marry, me?" I asked making her freeze and stare at me in horror dropping her phone on the floor, she gulped then blinked her eyes and palmed her face.

"I think I'm hearing stuffs, what's that again babe?" she asked then grab her phone and slipped it to her pocket looking back up to me not believing what I just asked her.

"Marry, me?" I asked clearly and nervously making her jaw dropped and her eyes widen "That's not funny! Are you really serious Styles?!" she asked in horror and I nodded my head 'yes'.

"Oh my God, he's just drunk Tori. You're drunk too, right? No you aren't! You have a high tolerance in alcohol bitch! Holy shit what did I get into." She speaks out her thoughts panicking then attempted to scoop away.

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