Skillfully dodging the throng of bodies of both monsters and humans, it wasn't long until you were pushing open the double doors that led to the back stage. The loud sounds of construction work filling your ears along with the rest of the massive room. Lots of men and women milled about doing their designated tasks as your eyes scanned around for one person in particular. Then you find him.

Mettaton was front stage next to a human man holding out a blueprint. More than likely the foreman. They were both looking at the blueprint with Mettaton pointing to certain things and talking, with the foreman adding his input once the robot idol finished. He couldn't see you from where you were at. Perfect. Now all you had to do was walk up and ask him. Simple. You take another deep breath to calm your ever growing nerves. This was it. You could do it. Your feet start walking in the direction towards Mettaton with your resolve still a little shaky. It doesn't matter. You got this!


A loud sickening snap of twisted metal was heard along with the warning cries and yells of several workers who were working on the stage lights above. Your feet slid to a stop as your eyes looked up to see what all the commotion was about. With barely any time to respond, you scrambled backwards while thrusting your arms over your head, protectively, as a large stage light fell past you and crashed onto the floor in the spot that you had just stood a few seconds prior. The glass from the bulb shattering and cascading across the wooden boards of the stage floor. You paled from the near possible fatal collision. That was when you felt it.

Your heart.

Its once rhythmic beat was now fast and torrenting painfully underneath your rib cage. Your knees buckled. Falling to the floor, the jagged glass dug into your skin from the newly added pressure of your body. It should have hurt. You should have felt the glass cutting through your fragile flesh but you didn't. All you could feel was your heart. With each throb, a wave of pain coursed through your body making you tremble with silent whimpers.


This couldn't be happening.

Not now.

Not like THIS!

Dark spots were already dancing across your vision and you knew it wouldn't be long before you passed out. Your fate no longer in your hands. By now a crowd had gathered around your crumpled form. Their worried glances and yells for help full of panic. You grasped at your heart. Willing. Praying. Begging for it to show you mercy. To give you the small amount of time that you needed to do the one thing that you wanted to do before it was over. All the voices of those around you began to blur into one as your eyes scanned the crowd for the one person you desperately wanted to see.

"What the hell happened? Out of my way! OUT OF MY WAY!" Mettaton's voice was sharp with determination and authority. He pushed his way through the crowd with a look that showed that he was mad but calm.

That look changed when his eyes landed on you.

Before you could blink, Mettaton was on the floor next to you gently lifting your body up and out of the glass. Holding you gingerly against his chest plate. "Songbird...? Sweetheart? Can you hear me?" The look on his face was indescribable as he said those words. He was trying to look calm and reassuring but it wasn't getting across. Instead, it was a mixed look of pure anguish, despair, sorrow, and anxiety.

Weakly, You nodded your head and a small smile cracked across Mettaton's lips He presses a tender hand to your cheek and wipes away tears that were now flowing freely due to the pain and fear of what was happening. Tears were also in his eyes. How can a robot cry? You smiled at the fact that your curiosity still reared its head even now and winced a bit at the effort that it took. Your body felt heavy. You felt tired. You were tired.

The Call Of A Mute HeartWhere stories live. Discover now