A Small Letter

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This is for my BFFs, my partners-in-crime, the ones who I trust blindly, the ones who cheer me up even at the darkest of times, and finally, the ones who haven't let the huge physical distance affect our friendship in any way :

I love you. I don't say it enough (coz I'm a cool girl) but I honestly do. We may not agree on tons of stuff but one thing we're sure about is that we couldn't live without each other. We've had each other's backs for years now and I couldn't have survived without you there. You know all of my deepest, darkest secrets, the ones I haven't even told my parents or anyone on this planet for that matter. The trust I have in you is eternal and will never be broken by any amount of time or distance apart. I love the way we go right back to where we were even after being apart for a long time, and how easy and calm I feel with you at my side. So many jokes, tears, fights, memories (including earrings :P), we've come a long way and still have more to go. I'm just glad I'm gonna have you the whole way.

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