WARNING : Toxic Relatives Ahead..

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Dear Nosy and Arrogant Relatives,

All teens hate it, and I mean totally hate it, when you try to control and boss them around. Frankly, if teens were to be controlled, each would have come with a remote.

6 things you nosy people don't have the right to tell teens, at all :-

1. Don't tell/order them to their respects to people who they don't even know and people who don't even recognize them.

It's even worse when you're chilling out at a family getaway on the couch and some old person who you've never talked to goes by and one of your relatives shouts at you in front of everyone, "Go talk to them immediately. They're your seniors blah blah blah respect them blah blah blah" all that crap. It feels so so and so disrespectful to us.

What the fuck happened to respecting everyone, no matter how big or small? And this especially sucks if you're close to 18 but under that age and yet the youngest of your family, like me.

2. Never ever ever say one thing about them and then contradict it a get minutes later. This goes especially for girls. Like if a girl doesn't like eating food then she's anorexic and if she eats food then she's called a glutton. Ugh.

We feel like slapping you at that time since we're so sick of it. Seriously, can't we have a genuine interest in anything without being ridiculed for it? And there's no way we'll be buying the "don't care about what people say" bullshit. Not every teen is thick-skinned.


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3. Don't pinch our cheeks. Just don't.
It felt great and looked great when we were kids. It doesn't feel so great now. And frankly, you guys pull so hard it actually hurts.

4. Never ask them if they know you. Coz frankly, we have better things to do than remember people who didn't give a crap when my dad had troubles, but came wagging their tails when we are having a celebration.

Faker than the mean bitches in books.

5. Don't air your opinion about something we do unless asked. You people aren't as smart as you think.

Frankly, it's actually funny when one of my relatives comment, "Kids these days are obsessed with smartphones." and he/she makes this observation while he/she is drowning in whatever matter is written on their smartphone.

6. Don't expect teens to compliment you when you feel like it. Like I said earlier, we don't come a big-ass antenna and a remote.

And no one would be in their right minds to be saying, "Oh, you look so gorgeous!" when you're dressed like this :-

And no one would be in their right minds to be saying, "Oh, you look so gorgeous!" when you're dressed like this :-

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*Cue a series of laughs from the audience*

It wouldn't be so hard if you respected us equally. But if you don't, well..let's just say we got multiple ways of dealing with you. ;)

Hope these got into your heads so that you don't try and pester us in the not so distant future.

All teens (+me)

And moonlightwalk, if you haven't seen Jensen Ackles yet, here he is!

And moonlightwalk, if you haven't seen Jensen Ackles yet, here he is!

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Enjoy! Ciao! ;)

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