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Okay, so I got tagged by my kawaii lil sis, Aria_Michimura427 and I have to answer 13 questions

But, I have to post the rules first : -
1. Post the rules (you have to)
2. Tag 13 people.
3. Answer the 13 questions you were given (easy) and write 13 questions (oh, shit)
4. You can't skip tags just because you're too lazy (learn from me!)
5. Eat breakfast.
6. You have a week to do this.
7. Answer the questions.
8. Answer the questions in an existing book of yours and follow the rules.

My questions :-
1. What is your favorite weapon?
A : I'd love a pair of long-handled deathly looking stunguns with the added benefit that it can get it's power from the natural elements like fire, water, air, etcetera near it.

2. Favourite vocaloid?
A : Me!Me!Me! (Full version) fear Hatsune Miku. I mean, it's so awesome!

3. What are your top 3 hated animes?
A : Convo between me and Aria :-
Me : Can't I change it to 'loved'?
Aria : Nope. Sorry ;P

Alright, before I say this don't hate on me for hating these three animes. It's my opinion.
They are :-
1. Shonen Hollywood : Holly Stage for 49 :
Me and my friends when they watched it : WTF IS THIS???
The entire thing went over my head.

2. City Hunter :
Impossible antics with a single bullet of a revolver. The male character (Ryo Saeba) is too perfect as a guy. And it's really stupid in fact.

3. Bleach :
Too long with complicated plotlines!! Can't you finish it off earlier or what? And no one could make heads or tails of Ichigo Kurosaki. The only thing I liked were the theme songs.

Me: Well that went better than I hoped.
Aria : *pointing behind you* Run, onae-chan, run! Lovers of the above animes have cm to kill you!
Me : *turns around and sees only 3 people running* I can easily take them on using my pair of stunguns. But you need to run away because I don't want you hurt.
Aria : Okai, onae-chan! Be safe! *runs away*
Me : *turning around and swinging stunguns* Die, morons!!

Sorry for talking too much.

4. What is the creepiest kid's show you've ever seen?
A: Sesame Street and don't ask me why.

5.Favorite dessert?
A : Chocolate ice-cream and brownies!

6. Favorite anime female character?
A : Sakura Haruno from Naruto series. I admire her superhuman strength.

7. Favorite anime male character?
A : Two people — Naruto Uzumaki and Natsu Dragneel! They have a lot of fun!

8. Have you been in love with someone?
A : This is tough. But yeah, I was in love for a while with a guy who behaved like Naruto Uzumaki. Unfortunately, he's found his Hinata already so I'm over him *sighs*

9. Who are your top 3 most hated anime characters?
A :
1. Ryo Saeba (City Hunter)
2. Everyone from Shonen Hollywood (not bothered to learn their names)
3. Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

10. Favourite subject?
A : English.

11. Favorite sport/athlete?
A : Tennis.

12. Have you ever acted like a madman/insane/crazy person before?
A : Every single day of my life.

13. How do you react to something you hate?
A : I'll ignore it and stay 28348147692200000 miles away from it.

Your questions :
1. Pick one anime character to be your husband/wife.
2. What is your favorite anime theme song?
3. Top 3 loved animes?
4. Favorite anime movie?
5. Which anime character do you secretly want to be?
6. If you had a time machine, which anime would you try and stop from being aired?
7. Make up an imaginary character of your favorite anime along with his/her powers and traits.
8. Who is your worst enemy?
9. Who is your BFF on Wattpad?
10. Least favorite subject?
11. What's your dream?
12. Tell me a funny thing that happened to you once.
13. Have you been in love with someone?

Tagged people :














Have fun! ;)

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