chapter 1: getting a puppy

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"which one do you want." my dad ask sweetly

today is my birthday and i turned 11 years old, my dad asked me what did i want for my birthday and i told him that i wanted a puppy. i was so excited and glad that my dad was finally getting me my own  puppy. 

"ummmm" i was trying to make up my mind but for some reason a part of me was telling my to turn around. i felt a strange sensation of a pair of eyes burning holes in the back of my head and it was very irritating. i finally decided to turn around. making that move i saw the most amazing pup that a girl could ask for. 

it had blue eyes with a hint of yellow. the fur was extraordinary it was grey but at the tip of the fur it was black the snout was white and it had a black heart shaped nose. it had the cutest longest ears and the tail was black the paws was white like it was covered with snow. it was the most prettiest thing i have ever seen. 

as soon as i looked at the pup i locked gazes with it i was lost in the blue and the hint of yellow eyes it was amazing how i felt. i felt like he was looking straight through me. i knew exactly which one i wanted. 

"DADDY I WANT THAT ONE" i exclaimed i did everything but scream and jump. 

"okay okay baby girl calm down which one do you want?" he asked with a little hint of happiness in his voice. 

"the grey one daddy" i pointed directly at the pin where the grey puppy was. 

"okay i'll be right back, stay here okay." he turned around and quickly made his way over to the cashier where one of the employees was. he came back in a matter of seconds. the employee walked us over where the pin held my beloved puppy. 

"is it this one right here sweetheart" the employee asked nicely.

i nodded my head so hard i believed it might've rolled off if i kept nodding.

he grab the pup hand placed them in my arms. "got it sweetheart, don't drop him" my dad said 

"yes daddy" i responded with soo much happiness in my voice i wouldn't be surprised if i did drop him by accident. as soon as i touched him i felt sparks erupt on my skin it was surprising i never felt nothing like it. 

while all of this was happening the puppy was sitting there staring at me like he never saw a girl before. he soon snapped out of it when i gave him a tight hug and kissed his cheek. earning me a lick back from him. the hot saliva hit my skin sending tingles down my cheek. 

"what type of dog is it." my dad asked the employee

"we don't know sir, this is a rescue animal shelter so sometimes it takes a while for us to look up what kind of animal we have here. if you want we can hold him here until....." "NO!" exclaimed "it's fine i wanna take him home." 

"honey don't raise your voice like that" my dad said i quickly. i so became embarrassed by my sudden outburst and started to blush. "oh, it's okay sir, i have to deal with much worse kids than this little girl. this one is actually a sweetheart." he said sweetly giving me a friendly wink i immediately felt a blush forming again. then i heard a sudden growl coming from something i was holding. 

wait did he just growl? he was looking straight at the employee that caused that blush to form on my cheeks and was looking like he was ready to jump out of my arms and bite him. 

"well, that was strange, i think we shouldn't...." "no daddy i chose this one and i want it and you can't take it away from me if you do then i'll..... i'll...... i'll never forgive you!!!!" he looked taken back from it, he didn't want his father and daughter relationship to go away because me and him had a great one. 

"okay we can keep it but as soon as he starts to show any sign of danger and dominence then he has to go. i would rather send him away than to see my pretty little angel hurt." i nodded my head agreeing to his words. 

after that we went and gotten him some food, some shots, toys and other puppy things. when we gotten home the fresh scent of food hit me making me realize how hungry i was. my mother was here making dinner and it smelled delicious. 

"hey mommy look at the puppy i got" i exclaimed with happiness and pride.

"oh my goodness isn't it a pretty little thing" she exclaimed

"yes" my dad agreed "i think it is very 'handsome'." putting emphaisis on the word handsome so we both can know it was a boy pup.

my  mother and i burst out in fits of laughther. i swear i thought i heard the pup snicker also. "sorry honey" my mom said through fits of laughter. "mmhhmm" he just simply replied

"imma go upstairs and get ready for dinner mommy." i said cheerfully setting down the pup. "okay baby girl go ahead." 

i started running up the stairs with the puppy running close behind me. only one thing on my mind and that was to get to my room and search up some names on my laptop for my pup. i was tired of calling him 'the pup' 

as soon as i gotten to my room i went flying to my bed and looking up under it for my laptop it was a pretty light blue color. my room was blue and gold with a little pink in certain areas of the room i didn't like to have pink all the time i'm not  really a girly girl. 

anyway back to what i was doing, i opened the lid of my macbook and strted to look for some names. some how without my help my adorable pup manged to get onto my high bed. i gotten to the site i wanted and looked at my pup.

"okay cutey pie we are going to find you a name. so lets see" he seemed happy what i said because his ears perked up and his tail started to wag. 

"okay how about this one" i pointed out while he was looking. him somehow understanding me shook his head. we went through 5 names until i said the name 'nathan' and his body started to shiver in a pleasureable way. he nodded his head quickly and jumped on me almost knocking my mac on the floor and started to lick my face"

"okay okay, cutey nathan it is. i set down my laptop and put it back where i found it. i sat back down on my bed and gave him a little hug with a sweet kiss on the nose. "nathan i love you and i accept you to be my friend and my pup" i said cheerfully i couldnt wait for the puppy days to begin.


hey you guys this the author speaking i'm amaris but i perfer u call me faith but any way i hpe u enjoyed the 1st chapter because i did and i hope i will soon be able to win yall hearts to this book 

luv ya and have a nice day/night 



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