"She nearly died in my arms like we're in some fucked up sappy movies, I revived her with the CPR that I've learned from our old school. She's not responding so I carried her out of the woods then we send her to the hospital." I said trying to remain calm.

"She was in coma for 1 year and I'm there every single fucking day while waiting for her to wake up, I was so fucking desperate and determined that she can make it out alive because she manage to escape from them." I continued with a lump building in my throat.

"Then the last day I've visited her and more than one year in coma already, that was our preparation day for the periodical exam in December the next day and break. I asked for her to wake up for me because I couldn't handle celebrating Christmas without her presence again, I told her I wouldn't be able to go the next day because it's our exam." I muttered then gulped harshly and fighting myself back.

"The day after that exam, I went home and was about to prepare myself to catch the visiting hours but my sister and mother were already mourning. She's dead, they pull out the fucking life support because they think she have been suffering too much and just set her free." I muttered managing not to make my voice crack.

"She died when they pulled out the life support, but she surprisingly woke up after a minute but I none of us knew that because her parents and Chase decided to use her legit death certificate as a ticket to protect her. They hide her away because they're terrified about what happened to her and I totally understand them because who wouldn't, right?" I said then shrugged.

"I hired private investigators when I've started with the band and earning enough to hire 2, didn't know those 2 mother fuckers were frauds but your dad told me a few weeks ago back in London when Tori and I filed a permanent restraining orders against Brooke Bailey who attempted to rape her but thank goodness I beat the crap out of him before he even get too close to Tori." I said with fury making her eyes widen in horror even more and my words sinking in her brain if she have one.

"Now tell me, why do you despise her. Why do you look so envious about her? You have nothing to be envy about, you never encountered those shits that happened to her so be thankful about that." I said while she's still speechless and processing everything.

"You look so shocked earlier when she fought back or get revenge, first time right? It's because you made a wrong move towards Ginri and not the fact that you talk shit to her, she never fought back unless you went overboard to those important people to her." I said knowing Tori all too well.

I heard someone cleared their throat making me turn to where ever it came from and spotted Chase with the whole gang and their cousins who are staring at me in horror obviously heard everything causing my eyes to widen realizing I blurted out too much information that only Chase, Gemma and I knows.

"Here's your brownies." Tori suddenly popped out of nowhere in front of me then snatched the jersey from my gripped and handed me a mug with brownies and spoon stuck in it.

"It's in the past, get over it." she muttered coldly to everyone and put on the shirt then turn to me with her eyes turning sterling gray and icy blue with gold flecks making my heart dropped.

"You seriously need to learn how to shut the fuck up and stop being impulsive Harry." she said lowly without any emotions with her accent getting thicker causing me to nearly flinched and gulped as she turn to Chloe.

"Pin my fiancé against the wall once again, the next thing you'll see will be me pinning you up while loosing your breath and soul for real. Keep that in mind honey, I wouldn't hesitate to forget the fact that you're my cousin." she said to Chloe with the same tone and expression but with a hint of her territorial side showing.

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