I put it back in and close the box then grab my phone and slipped it inside my pocket as both of us walked out of the closet and my room.

I shut the door closed and carried her over my left arm then sauntered our way all the way down stares.

"I love your dress, you look like a goddess." she said eyeing my clothes causing me to furrowed my brows and chuckle "It's from Hazza." I said in amusement as she huffed then furrowed her brows and rolled her lips.

"Just break up with your boyfriend." she muttered making me smirk "I don't have a boyfriend to break up with." I said cheekily causing her eyes to wide in horror while I burst into fit of laughter till we reached the ground floor.

"No! I was just kidding! Are you and Hazza already break up?! Is that the reason why he's lips bleed because you bite his lips and you're two are over?! No! Don't break up!" she panicked adorably making me furrowed my brows and dropped my jaw.

"His lips bleed?!" I asked guiltily in disbelief "Yeah, I handed him an ice pack." she said innocently as I grimace for a bit "Where is he?" I asked "Dining area." she answered causing me to hummed and walk our way to the dining room.

Both of us shriek in shock when Haz popped out of nowhere then carried Ginri away from me and Gin squirmed.

"Happy now? What did your sissy told you?" he asked Gin who looks like about to cry "Why are you still here if you're not my sissy's boyfriend anymore?" she asked with her brows furrowed while Haz raised his eyebrows and chuckle.

"I'm you're sissy's fiancé, see this?" he said then grab my left hand with his left too and showed our rings making her frowned in confusion "I don't get it." she said obviously struggling to process everything.

"Technically he's still my boyfriend but more than that." I explained "So you didn't break up?" she asked me "I never said we broke up." I said defensively.

"But you said you never have a boyfriend to broke up with." she said getting more confused "Do you seriously wanted us to break up?" I asked her again "Of course not! Never! I was just kidding earlier!" she fired defensively causing Haz to laugh.

"Let's just make it short, we're getting married after she finish college." he said then put Gin down who's staring at us with her eyes lit up while Haz suddenly wrapped a scarf around my eyes then blindfold me.

"Hey!" I was about to tugged it off but he quickly pinned my wrists behind me with his right hand I guess "Go to the pavilion princess." I heard him muttered instructing Ginri as I heard her footsteps fading.

"What the fuck Harry, in front of my little sister? Really?" I asked in deadpan "Perverted nerd, I would never do this to you if there are little kids and other people in front of us if it's not necessary." he said in amusement as I laugh sarcastically.

I squirmed taken by surprise when he crashed his lips against mine passionately while holding my right jaw with his left hand then groan lowly turning me on immediately.

"Why the fuck does your lips taste like Strawberry Mojito?" he whispered against my lips as I moaned lowly "Lip balm?" I muttered making it sound like a question causing him to chuckle and lean away immediately.

"You tease." I muttered making him hummed in agreement "You just made my lips bleed and leave me still fucking turn on, you deserve that." he whispered over my left ear then bite my earlobe and suck it causing me to groan lowly while biting my lower lip and breathing heavily.

"So what's the deal with restraining me?" I asked as he stopped " Damn it, you're distracting me." he muttered then carried me over his right shoulder while holding my forearms behind me making me squirm and laugh as he chuckled and feel him move.

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