"Yeah quite a bit actually. Jack and I broke up, well I'm sure you knew about that" Shawn nodded in response "well I have had to stay with Cameron in his hotel room for a while because Nash and Neve were on their honey moon and I don't want to ruin their newly married vibes" I finish looking over to Shawn to see him nodding taking in what I am saying.

I look back at my hands and continue with my explanation "well you see since we spend a lot of time together I have noticed that he's changed a bit, I mean he's still moody and all, but he's not as he used to be when he was in the gang a few years back, I don't know it's just I guess seeing him like that and him being nicer towards me has caused me to believe he's changed and somehow fall for him all over again" I admit ducking my head.

"Are you sure of your feelings?" Shawn asks moving towards me and rubbing my back slightly trying to comfort my distressed form.

"That's the thing, I'm not because whenever I think I should just give in to my feelings I always think back to what he did four years ago, leaving me like that and breaking my heart, and I just can't do that to myself".

"You know what Katie" Shawn begins now putting his arm around me. "I think you should discuss this with Cameron"

"Are you crazy I can't do that!" I exclaim snapping my head towards Shawn to be startled by how close he actually is to me and to instantly turn my head back.

"Well that's just my suggestion, who knows he could be feeling the same"

"Doubt that, lately he's seemed quite distant like somethings bothering him but he won't tell me what it is whenever I ask how he is feeling" I say looking up form my lap and straight ahead.

I feel Shawn shift next to me noticing that he became uncomfterble again.

what's going on?

"Katie you never know until you ask, just keeping these to yourself isn't good, I know you've told me and more than likely Neve and Matt, but you are telling all the wrong people because we aren't in your situation we don't know how you feel or how Cameron feels and you aren't going to know how he does if you never ask"

I listen intently at the words shilling out of Shawn's mouth so naturally its like he's rehearsed them.

"If you keep this to yourself it's just going to torture you. I'm not saying you have to do this, it's just my advice" Shawn finishes turning my head so I look at him to see that this is genuinely what he believes I should do.

I stare into his eyes and then nod my head agreeing with him.

"You're right it's just hard" I reply letting my head fall onto his hard chest.

"I believe in you Katie, I'm sure that once you get into telling him how you feel all you need to say with just follow after another" he encourages wrapping his other arm around me so that he gives me a quick right hug.

Afterwards I stand up, Shawn following, and thank him.

"Thank you Shawn" I say walking to the front door him again following behind.
"You have a way with words" I chuckle lightly looking up to him as he opens the door for me.

"It's nothing, anytime Katie"

"You know, I think you should become a song writer or something" I tell him moving out the door and into the streets.

"Really?" He asks shocked.

"Definatly" I smile walking away turning my head slightly to see Shawn smiling at the ground.


Some of you guys have been asking what Katie looks like, and this who I see her as, personally.
However, obviously just keep imagining her as you would.

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