"Thank goodness I only have tinted brow gel on and it's freaking waterproof!" I said in amusement and relief since I looking like a panda is the least thing that I wanted to look like that's why I only put primer, lip balm, clear mascara, highlighter and one natural shade of eye shadow that barely noticeable because it's all clear.

"Thank goodness we used waterproof makeups earlier girls!" Lou said to Gem, Lottie, El and Reese making us laugh while the lads stared at them weirdly then we exited the ride as they separated their ways from us.

Haz wrapped his right arm around my shoulders and furrowed his eyebrows while staring at me intently then smile.

"I love seeing you without and less makeup than with fancy ones, but either way you still are beautiful." he muttered then kissed my forehead and look back down to me while I feel a blood rushed up to my face as he chuckled.

"Shut up." I muttered then pushed his face off with my right hand causing him to laugh and I went to the photo booth.

I claimed the pictures as the crew passed it on my phone which is more convenient now since we're getting drenched from the rides then I Haz paid for it immediately before I even protested making me groan and turn to him.

"Seriously, it's my birthday so I'm the one who should treat my guest." I said then he shrugged and lean over my left ear "Reminder, I am not just your guest nerd. I'm your fiancé, you know how much I love spoiling you ever since." he whispered over my ear and chuckle lowly then lean away.

I rolled my eyes then stuff my phone inside my pocket and he grab my hand again.

"What's next?" he asked scanning the area "Dudley Do-Rights Ripsaw Falls." I said then tugged him eagerly as I lead the way till we reach the entrance of the ride.

Once we spotted the way to express pass and run our way to the then the staff scan our passes and let us in.

I hopped in the front seat while Haz behind me and 3 other then buckle up as the ride started immediately.

"This is like a roller coaster ride too." I reminded him as he pinched both of my earlobes making me squirm and cover my ears being ticklish causing him to laugh.

The ride jolted and suddenly launched down out of nowhere making me squirm and shut my eyes close then gripped on then harness while I can here Haz screaming and laughing at the same time like an idiot as the water splashed on us.

"All the things I'm doing! What the hell nerd! You're the one to blame!" he yelled while laughing then kick my seat slightly causing me to burst into fits of laughter.

After a few plunge, the ride ended as we both hopped off with my drenched cardigan fell off my shoulders while hanging on my forearms loosely while Haz has his drenched sheer Henley shirt sticking on his skin and his tattoo way to visible now than before.

We exited the ride as I redo my hair securely while he take off his hair tie and shake his wet hair on me making me squirm and laugh while he chuckle and pushed his hair on the side.

"Damn it, tie my hair please." he said handing me his black silk hair tie causing me to chuckle and grab it then he turn around, I tip toe for a bit then pushed his damped curls back and tied it in a man bun quickly.

"Where are we heading next?" he asked then turn to me again as I take off my cardigan and squeezed the water out of it "Popeye and Blutos Bilge-Rat Barge, that not extreme but will definitely shower us with more water because it's a river rafting water ride." I said excitedly as he poked my midriff making me yelp and laugh.

"You didn't wear that kind of clothes while roaming around Pennsylvania, aren't you?" he asked eyeing my top as I pushed his face away causing him to squirm and chuckle but I lean over his right ear as he stopped and gulped.

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