Chapter 13: Meet the Parents

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Rex! <3 You can really see his scar in this pic.

Busy Mornings

"What do you want for breakfast?" you asked Rex as the two of you sat together on your deep red couch. "I can make you anything you'd like."

Rex's head tilted slightly to the side, a smirk gracing his lips. "You'll make anything?"

You eyed him with a curious grin. "...Yeah. Rex, what do you want?"

His smirk turned serious as his calloused hand rose and framed your face. You felt yourself flush as he neared closer and whispered, "I want you to make love to me, Cyar'ika."

You woke up, face on fire, a small squeal escaped your lips. It was just a dream. The real Rex groaned as he pulled you tighter against his chest. Harsh sunlight filled your room through opened blinds. Your heart kept pounding at an alarming rate, your dream much more pleasant than the one Rex awoke from earlier. The bed felt overwhelmingly hot as you found yourself entrapped, body cradled in a muscular cage. You were almost unable to move. Wide awake, you looked over your shoulder at Rex. He was so peaceful and happy. Your heart flipped a bit as you watched him smile in his sleep. Was he dreaming about you too? You felt yourself become flustered as your mind took a step in the wrong direction.

Kriffing hell, this was not the time for dirty thoughts.

As much as you wanted to lay there and feel the gentle rise and fall of his chest, you knew there was a lot of things to be done. With help from the Force, you slipped out of his grasp, and he didn't even notice. You sighed at his sleeping form and delicately kissed his forehead.

With a spring in your step, you realized you never changed out of your clothes from the other day. With a soft chuckle, you wrote Rex a note and left to buy food. Force only knew how old and expired the food in your fridge was... It only took you half an hour, and you came back with arms loaded. You had to feed a full grown man with a metabolism at twice the speed, so you knew it all wouldn't go to waste. After putting your groceries on the counter, you peeked your head into your room. Your captain was still sleeping. An irrepressible grin dominanted your face as you turned on your heels and walked to the kitchen.

You had just started brewing Caf when a bleary eyed and yawning Rex walked into the common room. He squinted against the sunlight that filled the room.

"Morning, Rexer," you chirped. A sleepy smile captivated his features as he stretched. The silky, grey tank top he wore revealed his muscular arms. Rex caught you staring and raised a cocky brow.

"That's new," he said with a laugh as he leaned against the cabinets, arms folded gracefully across his chest. You winked at him.

"Yeah, testing the waters," you said as you pushed of the countertops and walked over to him. Rex raised a single brow as he looked down at you, and your hand curled around the collar of his shirt. He looked so irresistible. Effortlessly, you pulled him down and gave him a soft kiss. There wasn't fireworks or surging electricity, but there was a smoldering sense of comfort and affection. Rex pulled you into a tight hug, and you let out a startled laugh as your feet were lifted from the floor.

"Well, Cyar'ika, I've settled on your nickname," he said, gently putting you down. As you smiled at him, a pit formed in your stomach. How you wished you didn't have to return to the war in a day. Rex frowned and ran his thumb across your cheek. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," you said, then beamed at him. "I've got very special plans for us tonight!"

Rex's eyebrows pulled together as he frowned. "By special you mean...?"

NOT FINISHED/ORIGINAL VERSION Flawed Codes: Captain Rex x Reader Where stories live. Discover now