"Nice to meet you, I'm Tori. You need to chill, take this love." I said causing her to blushed furiously and accept it then I grab mine and started eating while waiting for the lads to start again.

"Uh, I'm Kristen." she said sheepishly as I smiled at her "Directioner?" I asked making her nodded and started eating the sandwich that I handed her "What about you?" she asked back as I shrugged while eating.

"I almost ruined my brother's laptop and phone just to vote for their band before nonstop, but I'm not in the level of Directioners though. You guys are so cool, you know almost everything about every single one of them." I said in amusement making her shrugged proudly.

"We even have their thumb prints, body masses, and the very roots of their origin." she said causing me to dropped my jaw and laugh causing her to laugh too.

"Louis and Zayn prank Haz, they probably switched the black  pinstripe button down shirt that he's supposed to wear, those two idiots were the reason why I got pastel pink hair last few weeks ago." I said making her laugh even more in amusement.

"That's mad!" she said while laughing as I hummed in agreement and continue to finish my food "Do you mind if I take a picture with you?" she asked hopefully "Sure." I agreed then she pull out her phone eagerly and take a photo of us both.

I called Gem, Reese and El to join us as the did gladly till the host started again.

"Take two!" the director called and the host started again then called the lads, they walk on the stage with Haz now wearing a black pinstripe button down with red flower pin and started singing all over again while the fans were cheering.

Once they're done singing and promoting lads exited the stage then Haz nodded at me signaling for us to meet them backstage.

"That's our que ladies." Gem called as I said my goodbye to Kristen and stand up then followed Gem, Reese, and El behind.

I throw my trash to the nearest bin and glanced on my silver Swatch automatic wristwatch and noticed that it's already 7:13 in the evening and my flight is around 10 in the evening exact.

We entered the backstage and spotted Haz ignoring the lads who keeps on laughing and saying sorry.

"You think that's funny?! Well, I don't! Why?! Tori has a flight in two hours! I have to drive her all the way to the airport for about 30 minutes or so! If you didn't prank me then I could have spend that fucking 2 and half hours with my girl before she fly off and get separated from me for more that 2 weeks for the first time all over again than changing a stupid shirt, getting scolded like a kid from something that I didn't mean to do and performing all over again!" he suddenly growled at them with a fury and serious tone while breathing heavily causing them to freeze and have a horror and guilt expression plastered across their faces.

"Harry." I called him down making his expression softened immediately and palmed his face in frustration then punched the table where he's leaning.

"Mate we're sor-" Zayn and Lou attempted to say something in unison but Harry cut them off with a dark glare.

"Yeah, you always are. Remember when you prank Tori with the hair dye? Just be thankful that she doesn't have an allergy reaction from it, think first before having fun. You don't know what can possibly happen, try to think mature sometimes." he said firmly then stand up as they quickly step back.

"Excuse me, I have much more important matters to do than getting stuck in here and getting my time wasted." he said emotionless then approached my and grab a tissue on the side, he wiped the outer corner of my lips with cookie crumbs causing me to blushed furiously.

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