Chapter 23 : Action !

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The race had started. Both teams are busy doing their own missions. The blue team were perfectly in order as Cheerin planned. And just as she thought, Sukjin was chased by the red team. She knew from the loud noises at ground floor. "Alright, time for phase 1!" She said. The rest of the members also heard the noises at ground floor, so they started to move.


At ground floor, Sukjin, like always, been chased by Kwangsoo and Jaesuk. They were on his tail. Right before Kwangsoo could get a grip on Sukjin's cloth, he escaped to the toilet and locked himself inside. Just as planned! Jaesuk made fun of Sukjin for being trapped inside where there were no way to go out. But what he didn't know is that the blue team planned this al along. Sukjin could only laugh at them. Kwangsoo called Gary to help them, so Gary came as fast as he could.

Sukjin gave a number 2 with his fingers to the camera. It's time for his phase 2!

"Help, guys! I'm at the toilet ground floor with Jaesuk, Gary, and Kwangsoo! Please help!" He speaks through the walkie talkie clearly. The re team heard it, but they didn't think that it was fishy. Sukjin's acting seemed to be good too. The location and players were confirmed. The rest of the members had no time to waste! They started to look for each location.


While the Sukjin was busy, Haha started to search. After looking for the destination, Haha finally found one."Alright! Here it is!" He pointed to a bookstore. He went inside and searched for it everywhere. Then, he found China map at the cashier. "I FOUND ONNEE!" He exclaimed while showing the map to the camera. He looked behind the map and there was a writting "OUT!" He jumped around, being happy again. Then, he fleed away from the bookstore.


Back at ground floor, Sukjin was still chillin' at the toilet, wasting time. While the red team were also chatting to each other, trying to be bratty to Sukjin.


An announcement was about to be announced.

"LEE KWANGSOO, OUT!! LEE KWANGSOO, OUT!" The annoncer spoke. But, why Kwangsoo?


(30 minutes ago)

"When the blue team find their mission with an "out" sign, one of the mission team will be eliminated. There will be 3 of them." Cho PD explained. The red team was anxious too. "Therefore, red team has to decide 3 people to be eliminated in order and confirm to me." Cho PD ended. The red team started to discuss.

"We have 3 people...KWANGSOO, JIHYO, and GARY." Jaesuk confirmed to Cho PD.

"Very well..." Cho PD accepted it. (Therefore, three of them will be eliminated)


The red team was shocked, especially for Kwangsoo.

"BUT THE GAME JUST STARTED!!!" He exploded. Jaesuk and Gary could only laugh.

"Mianhae..." Jaesuk said softly. The securities came and caught Kwangsoo. They dragged Kwangsoo to the jail with his mouth shutted.

Sukjin smiled happily inside. "YEESS...Great job!" He gave a thumbs-up to the camera.

"Alright, I will go out. I can't just stay here, doing nothing anyways." He made his decision. "But, with one condition! Let's play rock papers scissors. If I win, give me 3 seconds to run. But if I loose, I will surrender myself." He offered Jaesuk. Jaesuk accpet the offer immediately since his team were in crisis.

Sukjin slightly open the door. Rock papers scissors! Sukjin threw a paper while Jaesuk threw a rock. As promise, he got 3 seconds to run. 3, 2, 1, and start the chase off! Sukjin was caught within 5 seconds of escaping. So, Jaesuk ripped his nametag. Sukjin pretended to be sad. The securities came and dragged him to the jail with his mouth shutted.

"JI SUK JIN, OUT!! JI SUK JIN, OUT!!" The announcer spoke once again. The blue team were happy with his effort. BUT...

"TACK, OUT!! TACK, OUT!!" Another announcement was made. Tack was attacked by Mark, who seemed to have no mercy at all, even to a guest. The blue team was shocked this time. They completely had no idea that's going to happen.

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