Chapter 12 : Exhausted...

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Everyone was on their sit, looking exhausted. Cho PD gave Jaesuk a card with the next mission site's location.

"Go to S Indoor Volley Court." Jaesuk read the card loudly.

"Why volley court?" Haha asked. The members were suspicious with a new site.

"We've never been here before..." Gary said to the PD.

Malik, Xiao Chan, and Tack didn't care and finally in their deep slumber. "Look at those guys!" Jaesuk spoke softly as he pointed towards those three. Tack used his hands as a pillow and laid his body on the window, Xiao Chan was sleeping full of manner, putting both hands on his tights and his head straight up, while Malik...Um...Was asleep with his mouth wide open and snored like a tiger's roar. Everyone did spoke telepathically. They attempted to tease them.

Haha took a selfie of Xiao Chan with Jong Kook's 2 fingers, making into a "V" sign on top of Xiao Chan's head and Cheerin and himslef, making silly poses and expressions. Gary gave his phone to his personal VJ and asked him to take a photo of Himself, Jihyo, Jaesuk, and Kwangsoo, teasing Malik. Lastly, Sukjin, Haha, Cheerin, and Jong Kook took a selfie with Tack, who was still in his deep sleep. They all giggled quietly. From a peaceful time for three of them to rest, turned into noise riot.

"YA!! MARK!!! WHY DON'T YOU TOOK A SELFIE WITH US JUST NOW!" Jaesuk purposely shouted to Mark out loud. The sleeping trio were startled. They woke up immediately right after Jaesuk shouted. They looked half awake and half asleep. Everyone started laughing.

"Wae?" Xiao Chan still bewildered with the condition. Tack and Malik's minds were blank. Their minds were still wandering around. "Nothing..." Jaesuk bluffed. But, Gary's phone was still on his VJ's hand. He showed Malik what just happened during his nap. He started giggling by himself. "What the heck did you guys do?!" He noticed that his face was wet due to Kwangsoo's saliva. He wipped it off quickly. He saw the picture of himself with Gary and Jihyo made silly faces, Jaesuk opened his mouth widely to copy Malik, and Kwangsoo? Well, seemed obvious that he licked Malik's left chick. That's why Malik's left chick was wet.

Seeing Malik's left chick was soaked with saliva, Xiao Chan and Tack started to body-checked themselves to see if they have something unusual in their body. Fortunately, they are clean as a plate that had been washed off. They gave a sigh of relief.

After all the commotion, Jaesuk started to ask Mark seriously.

"No, seriously Mark. Why are you so quiet today? This is variety show. You need to be excited!" Jaesuk said, trying to encourage him.

"No, I'm fine this way." Mark answered.

(There will be an unexpected behaviour behindMark. Just read 'till the end...)


sorry for the late update...been busy for my school lately

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