Chapter 8 : The Goddess of Ssireum Has Born

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The bus stopped and parked at the front of a market. Everyone woke up from their slumber, except for Jong Kook and Cheerin, of course. "We're here!" Jong Kook exclaimed. Everyone looked outside the window. They saw a guy using a yellow training gear, holding a "running man" banner.

The minibus's door opened. One by one, the members and the guests departed from the bus. They hurried into the market. The crowd, who was expecting them to come, cheered on them and showed them banners, shout outs, and took photos of them coming in. The members waved their hands to the crowd. The guests were just bewildered. They just walked in the market without people knowing them. The guests just interested with the market, not caring about the crowd. They were sightseeing for a moment, but they started to run once the members were far from them. When they got nearer to the center of the market, they were dumbfounded. They found out a huge ring awaits them. They all started mumbling.

"Ah...seriously," Sukjin grumbled. Everyone came and gathered with their team.

"Today's first mission, as many of you guys expected, is ssireum," Cho PD started explaining to both teams. "It is an all-kill method. For the women, they may choose losing or winning for the win," Cho PD finished his explanation. "Do you know what ssireum is?" Cho PD asked to the guests. The guests, who seemed to be laughing by themselves, knew what ssireum is, since they watched running man all the time. The PD heard their answer and was embarrased.

" both team please decide who will be the first fighter," Cho PD gave them instruction.

"Ok..." Jaesuk answered. Both team huddled up with their teammates to decide who will fight first.

"Ok..both team's first fighter, please step inside the ring," Cho PD asked both team. Red team's first fighter was Jihyo, while blue team's first fighter was Cheerin. Both of them used their satba (wrestling belt) and went into the ring. They got ready on their starting position. Jaesuk was the refree.

"Let's give both team a round of applause!" He persuated the crowd around to cheer both teams. The crowd was excited to see the wrestling.

"Hana...Dul...PRIIITT," The whistle was blown by Jaesuk, the refree. The girls started to use their power and push each other. They went back and forth with the different amount of energy they had. Jihyo and Cheerin was taking a rest for a moment when suddenly, Jihyo attacked Cheerin at all of a sudden. Cheerin's body was almost thrown to the ground. But, an unexpected turn, she counterattacked and threw Jihyo's body to the ground instead. It was mind blowing, especially when you know Jihyo was once the goddess of tackling. The red team was speechless. But, the blue team was on a celebration mode.

"Next fighter from red team please." Cho PD asked the next player to step inside.

"Ok," Kwangsoo volunteered. For a sec, Cheerin thought that defeating him was almost too hard due to her and his height difference. But, she still determinded on winning sirreum for the win. Kwangsoo was overly excited and overconfident.

"LEE KWANGSOO! LEE KWANG SOO!" Kwangsoo persuaded the crowd to cheer on him.

"One warning. No cheering for yourself." Jaesuk bluffed.

"Eeeee... Hyung?" Kwangsoo complained. Finally, both of them got to their starting position.

"Ok...Cheerin, you could choose the winning or the losing for the win." Jaesuk offered her.

"Just remember this. I will play normal as other man would do. Arraseo?" She concluded with a horror-looking smile on her face. Jaesuk flinched, wasn't able to move his lips to answer. He just nodded.

"Ok...Ready...Start! PRIITT" Jaesuk blew the whistle. The beginning of the second round made every team feel at unease. Both team couldn't take their eyes of the match. The crowd went crazy as the second round started.

Suddenly, Cheerin jumped onto Kwangsoo and hugged him as she was a baby koala with its mother. Kwangsoo saw his chance at defeating her and started to lean forward just like a falling pole. When Cheerin and Kwangsoo was halfway falling to the ground...

"OO??" Everyone was amazed. The crowd was speechless for what they had witness themselves. Who won?



(2 Minutes Ago)

When Cheerin and Kwangsoo was halfway falling to the ground, Cheerin smiled in satisfication. It was all part of her plan. She flipped her body, switching body positions with kwangsoo as if she was a patty flipped in mid air, leading her to her second victory.


Kwangsoo was blank. He can't stop looking at her with his mouth opened wide in disbelive.

"How embarrasing..." Kwangsoo said, awkwardly. Cheerin giggled. She was getting serious. She took off her jacket and hat, which left her using tang top. She threw both towards Jong Kook's direction. Jong Kook flinched and took it with his fast reflexes. She re-tied her messy hair and wiped her sweat off her chicks with her shoulders. She wiped her mouth as well with her hands, looking ferocious.

"Come on..I am waitting." Cheerin called the red team.


Helo ! YEAY FINALLY ! My first ever mission chapter. Is it fun or thrilling ? Well, I hope so... Anyway, gonna post my next chapter !

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