Chapter 14 : First Time Playing, First Kill of The Game

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"Ok, time to start the minigame." Cho PD announced. Both teams nodded.

"Who's the player for blue team?" Cho PD asked the blue team.

"Jong Kook hyung, Tack, and me." Haha answered.

"Red team?" Cho PD asked the same thing to the red team.

"ME! Mark, Gary, and MYSELF." Jaesuk answered while he pointed at himself.

"Don't you get tired being humiliated all the time?" Jong Kook teased him. Jaesuk clenched his teeth.

"This is really stabbing my pride...I'll take my rightful "crown" again if it's the last thing I'll do!" Jaesuk vowed to win.

"Bring it!" Jong Kook challenged him.


It was time for the game. The first player to come up were Tack and Gary.

"Both players need t play "rock papers scissors" to determine who will play first." Cho PD exlained. Tack and Gary nodded.

ROCK...PAPER...SCISSORS! Both of them threw their hands. Gary threw rock while Tack threw scissors. Therefore, Gary won and got the first try.

"Ok, here I go!" Gary prepared himself, and SLAM! He threw his ddakji. Unfortunately, he miss his shot. Tack was relief.

"Owh God...This is nervewrecking. I've never played ddakji before." Tack whined.

"It's ok...Just try your best!" Jong Kook immediately encouraged him. So, he gave a shot. BAM! And suprisingly, he flipped the ddakji! He beated Gary.

"OOOOO!!!" Tack exclaimed. He was excited.

"Daebak ~" He still couldn't believe himself.


Same thing happened to Mark, he was defeated by Tack. It was time for the "fallen" ddakji king to rise.

"Is it time already? Wait and see..." Jaesuk said, full of vengeance.

Tack was nervous. "Owh...Eotteokhae?!" Tack whined once again. Everyone laughed because of him. "Just do it!" Jong Kook said.

Tack stepped up to Jaesuk's ddakji. He threw his ddakji towards it, but he failed. Jaesuk had a chance! He stretched his arms leasurely and took a deep breathe. And so, he threw his ddakji as hard as he can. SLAM! And it was flipped. Jaesuk's team cheered on him. "YOO JAESUK! YOO JAESUK!" Just then, Haha stepped up. Since Jaesuk won the game previously, he had the right to throw his ddakji first. Once again, he threw it hard. And he did it again. "Yaish....I haven't even get my turn!" Haha exclaimed. "It seems our ddakji king has finally rose up." Gary joked. Everyone giggled.

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