"I don't think so look." I said as I got an envelope from underneath the box.

I opened it and I said,"The letter says, 'To who ever finds this, this box once belonged to my beloved Kagome. The box is in good condition because Kagome placed a spell on it to stop it's time just like how time stops flowing for vampires. I'm writing this letter to you, a descendant of my love, because this box contains Kagome's secrets to her powers including some of the spells but be careful about the forbidden scrolls because one of them contains the same forbidden spell that ended Kagome's life. I'm also sorry that I kept this entire place a secret from the Takashis I only wanted to protect my daughter and her children from this place I didn't want her to suffer the same fate as her mother did, again I'm sorry and I also want to say do your best to awaken the powers within you, from the husband of Kagome Takashi, Ivan Taksahi.'"

Akira and I were shocked by this. Akira said,"I see, that explains why this box is in a good condition, I've heard of Kagome-sama using some kind of time magic but I used to think it was just a myth it seems I was proven wrong."

Akira said as she ran her fingers over the box and her powers seemed to react to the box including some of the fire balls surrounding the room. I said,"You're right, your fire balls are flickering meaning that your powers and Kagome's powers are similar."

"It would seem that way, I mean I too can teleport but I can't actually control time." Akira said as she looked at her palm.

I said,"That may be true but you can teleport and you can look at other people's memories to technically speaking you can control time just not like in the movies."

"Hehe, you're right, let's get this thing opened." Akira said as she examined the box.

When Akira tried to open it she noticed that there was a lock on it. She said,"There's a lock on this thing, looks like we'll have to find a key."

Just when Akira was about to look for the key I examined the box and I recognised the crest on it, it's the Takashi's family crest. I said,"Hold on Akira, I recognise this crest it's the family symbol." 

"Yeah what about it?" Akira said as she continues to look around the desk for a key.

"I might have something that might open the box." I said as I searched the inside of my jacket pocket.

Akira walked back over to me and then I showed her a necklace that was shaped like a key. Akira said,"That necklace, isn't that the same one that Kagome-sama's daughter is wearing in that portrait?"

Akira said as she looked at a photograph of the husband and the daughter. I said,"Yeah, my mother gave me this for my 5th birthday before she passed away she told me that it was passed onto her from my grandmother, from her mother and so on."

Akira nodded her head and when I looked at the lock I placed the key shaped family crest into the lock and once I turned it to open it, the box opened.  I looked at Akira and she said,"Nice work, your mother was smart to give you that."

"Thank you." I said as I opened it.

Once the box was open it contained the scrolls that the letter mentioned and there was some black one possibly the forbidden ones that the letter mentioned as well. The gold scrolls had were the ones that we should take but not the forbidden ones. Akira and I opened a few of them and Akira said,"Wow, these are amazing, I can't believe the stories I once heard from Christa were true."

"Hehe, well you'll be eating your words once I master these." I said as I rolled up one of the scrolls and I put it back in the box and so did Akira.

Akira took the box and then it suddenly vanished. I said,"Where'd it go?!"

"Calm down, I stored it in my inventory dimension I can just summon it again whenever I want." Akira said as she brought it out again.

I was impressed by this and I said,"Well now that we've got what we came for let's get the heck out of here, this place is giving me the creeps."

"I agree with you there." Akira said as she followed me from behind.

Before we left the library I said to Akira,"Wait Akira, there's one more thing I want to do before we go."


I picked a couple of roses and I put a letter in the ribbon. I placed the roses at my mother's grave and I preyed for her. Akira stood there with her eyes closed like she was praying as well and once I stood up Akira had a white rose in her palm and she placed it on the grave as well. She said,"That's an eternal flower it's called because it can't wither, my mum used to say that this particular flower is said to guide the souls to peace."

"Akira you didn't have to do that." I said as Akira rests her arm on top of my shoulder.

She said,"Hey, I want to pay my respects to your mother I was still young myself when I lost my parents."

I surprised to hear that from her and I said,"Thanks Akria."

"You're welcome, Kura." She said as she ruffles my hair.

Just then we heard a child's laughter again meaning it was Lily. Akira and I hid in the shadows as we watched Lily, Dawn and my father walk to my mother's grave. I heard Dawn say,"Hey, who put those roses there? Was it you Lily?"

"No me mummy." Lily said and then she got the envelope from the bouquet.

My father took the envelope and when he read the letter, there was some tears of happiness in his eyes. Dawn said,"Sweetie what is it?"

"It's from Kura, she says she's doing fine and she might be paying a visit to us once she has finished the job she's on, she says she doesn't want to leave the vampire hunters but she will come back to see me soon." His said between his sobs.

Dawn was happy as well and then she wrapped her arms around him. I smiled and so did Akira, she said,"What do you think? You think he's changed?"

"In some way he has but I will know more after I dealt with the founders, let's go Akira." I said and then Akira nodded her head.

Akira places her hand on my shoulder and then she teleported us back to the demon world.


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