Shu said happily as he showed the puppy to Kagome-sama. She petted he puppy's head and said,"Aww, it's so cute, be sure to look after the puppy really well they need a lot of care and attention."

Shu blushed and smiled as she ruffled his hair. Once she was finished talking to Shu, Kagome-sama looked over at Reji and he tried talking to his mother but she just ignored him. Kagome-sama sighed and then she walked over to Reji and said,"Hello Reji."

He saw Kagome-sama and said,"Miss Kagome, welcome back."

She smiled and said,"It's good to be back as well, I see you're studying hard as always as well."

"Yeah, I just finished about a hundred pages of this book but mother doesn't care." He said with a disappointed look in his eyes.

Kagome smiled and then she petted his head and said,"That's a good accomplishment, not a lot of kids your age could do that, keep up the good work."

Reji nodded and he turned his attention back to the book with a hint of blush on his cheeks. Kagome-sama then looked up at one of the rooms and when I looked up, Christa was smiling at her and then she walked away from the window. Kagome-sama was about to walk inside but then she heard some one crying.

I quickly followed her and there was a boy I recognised. It was Subaru and he was crying his eyes out. Kagome-sama knelt down to his level and said,"What's wrong Subaru?"

"*sniff* my mother *hic* asked me to kill her because of how ugly she is." Subaru said.

I wanted to comfort him so badly but I didn't existed in this time but it broke my heart just standing here and watching this. Kagome-sama hugged him and said,"Everything, is going to be fine Subaru, I'll always be here for you just think of me like a second mother to you, don't tell Christa I said that."

Kagome-sama said as she puts her fingers to her lips and she winked at him. Subaru stopped crying and then he smiled. I thought to myself,"Aww~ my Subaru is so adorable right now."

I thought as I placed my hand on my cheeks while blushing. Just then someone came over and it was one of servants from the castle he said,"Miss Takashi, Lady Christa wants to see you."

"I'm on my way over now." She said as she stood up and the  she went to see Christa.

Kagome-sama and Christa were having tea and they were chatting away happily. I watched the two of them and I thought to myself,"Christa and Kagome-sama were friends at one point, close friends I should say, I cam see why Christa treated me with respect like before."

I thought that when I looked at the bracelet that Christa gave me. I looked back and when Christa turned her back to get some more cookies Kagome-sama removed her bracelet and placed it on the table. Kagome-sama stood up and said to Christa,"Sorry, I gotta go now take care of yourself."

She said as she waved goodbye to her. I thought to myself,"Kagome-sama left her bracelet here on purpose, why?"

As I thought about that I was suddenly in the middle of a battlefield I turned around and I saw Kagome-sama fighting against the level Es. I saw a man and was holding a baby in his arms. After Kagome-sama sliced the level E's head off she was panting with exhaustion.

She walked over towards the man and said,"Ivan, get our daughter to safety I'll stay here and put an end to this fight once and for all but I might not make it look after and cherish her."

She stood up and as she walked away from Ivan he said,"Kagome!! Don't do it!! Don't sacrifice yourself for nothing!! It's meaningless!!"

Kagome turned her head and she closed eyes smiled at him and said,"My sacrifice won't be meaningless, it means I have made the vampire hunters proud and I protected the ones I love."

Diabolik Lovers: A Vampire Hunter's LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon