Something Worth Fighting For

Start from the beginning

Nearby, squatting on one of the water tanks, was Nara Shikaku, the jonin assigned by Tsunade to babysit Sasuke, and the father of Nara Shikamaru. Like his son, he had almond-colored eyes and a pineapple-shaped head with the exception of it being a little longer and he had a on his face gave him a more rugged look when he would also wear a torn up vest over his chuunin wore a short sleeved shirt out of fishnets under that.

Oh wow, look at this view! Konoha is such a pretty place once you get out of that uber-icky jail! Yang exclaimed from Sasuke‛s shoulder with sparkling eyes.

Yeah . . . I bet it looks even better from the other side of the gates, commented her opposite. When he was given a disapproving look by her, he responded with, Well, it‛s true!And Sasuke can easily get past this jonin—he‛s Shikamaru‛s FATHER for crying out loud!

I still disapprove! What he should be doing with his newfound freedom is go find Krystal-chan! Get down on his knees and beg for forgiveness! Declare his undying love!

It doesn‛t matter how many times or for how long you two argue about this, I am not going to get down on my knees or beg for forgiveness because I didn‛t do anything wrong, Sasuke said silently to the both of them through thought, preferring it that way as Shikaku would then have absolutely no idea what was crossing his mind. After crouching for a long time, he finally stood and stayed put for a second to let blood begin recirculating through his legs.

"Where do you think you‛re going?" asked Shikaku, who had appeared to be sleeping moments ago, as he stood as well.

"It‛s none of your business." Sasuke glowered at the jonin from the corner of his eye. Well, I didn‛t do anything morally wrong, at least. Yin‛s right, though. I‛m sick of being babysat.

"Troublesome as it is, Lady Hokage made it my business."

He was right, as much as Sasuke hated to admit it, but since he planned on giving him the slip, he could not really say as certainly would not be the smartest of moves. Instead, he turned so his glare hit Shikaku with its full intensity and began mentally formulating an escape plan. One that was most likely doomed to fail coming to mind, Sasuke diverted his gaze just to the left of Shikaku‛s face and portrayed a surprised look to an invisible something in the latter‛s blind spot.

Skeptical, he turned to look behind him and automatically made the hand sign for his Kagemane no Jutsu, otherwise known as the Shadow Possession Jutsu, to catch Sasuke a moment after he had begun turned around fully, and because the jutsu would cause Sasuke to mirror his movements, he turned too, thus, they faced each other. Shikaku seemed amused at the attempted escape, while his assignment cursed him mentally.

"Assuming your opponent will fall for a trick that old in the book is a rookie‛s mistake, Uchiha Sasuke," he mused. "To be honest, I expected better."

Sasuke said nothing and Shikaku‛s smile grew.

"Come on, Kid. I can force you, or you can come voluntarily, but I think it‛s about time we left here and went to one of my favorite tea houses." Though if you weren‛t I minor I‛d have preferred the bar . . . .

"I‛m not a kid . . .," the younger of the two shinobi‛s replied in further vexation. Something happened, something so sudden it did not quite register in Shikaku‛s concious, and Sasuke was free of the Kagemane no Jutsu, the carmine color of his sharingan glaring. "And I don‛t plan on being chaperoned by one."


Despite the genin‛s protests, both him and the jonin found themselves in the tea house. The latter drank his tea heartily, enjoying the enka music playing in the background while the former barely touched his. For a majority of the short time they had been there, he had sat with his arms crossed, looking out the window with a glare of such intensity the glass could have melted. To his embarrassment, Shikaku had gotten a hold of him with the Kagemane no Jutsu again and forced him to come.

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